Jim Norton wasn't funny today. He hadn't slept. He was on Afrin.

94  2018-05-30 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

The little comedy cupcake was tired... I hope he dies on his way to eat a guys shit.


he and bob were funny today. even sam. relax

god, u r a faggot

They were fucking terrible. Not funny at all. Why would you assume I'm not relaxed? I'm very relaxed, you dumb cunt.

I agree, it was a swell show. OP is just being a grump.

verbally complaining about allergies into your 50s

why do people do this?

Username checks out

No shit

I turned it off when I heard Jim complain about his congestion

Oh no Afrin.

I hope he doesn’t get addicted to it!

You know you cannot take it several days in a row or else you become addicted to it. I hope Jimmy can persevere and fight thru this time of trouble.

Afrin is actually pretfy physically addictive and Jim is so weak willed I imagine he is already a daily user.

Actually he quit smoking on his first attempt something that very few, otherwise normal people manage to do. He also ,despite being a life long fatty, manage to lose weight to the point of anorexia with a diet program that was schetchy at best. Again something that normal people struggle with,he managed to knock it off at the first go.

I'm starting to think that Jim the addict is a persona Norton partially fabricated to justify all the sexual degenerate and exploitative stuff he has and continues to do.

You really don't think the sex shit is part of it too ? What does he do ? Jerk off a lot in between long days with short work hours, getting standardrub and tugs from massage places, and getting a few hookers years ago with no specific stories ? All he is addicted to is his own "tortured, interesting" persona, and most likely closeted gay.


More like mausoleum TNT asumptin tssss ts

It is. I’d rather quit smoking again than try and quit afrin.

It's easy fo make jokes u/glyde69...

But at 15yrs old, 5'6 109lbs., a small boy spent SEVERAL Friday nights pounding 2 beers and 3 shots of vodka. HE blacked out. That is called alcoholism, sir.

Just because his idol, Ozzy Osbourne is an alcoholic and Jimmy is weird enough to convince himself he's an alcoholic as a way to relate to his idol -- and make himself appear interesting, as a comedian....that is irrelevant.

So make your jokes. But there are tons of alcoholics whose history extends to drinking a dozen times between 15-17 yrs old

You don't think spending your entire life around alchoholics and drug addicts in an enviroment where people are constantly offering you said things for free might make someone who is a young ex-addict relapse once or twice in 30 fucking years?

But at 15yrs old, 5'6 109lbs

You aren't trying to squeeze an extra few inches in there are you?

Tss, little mug's prolly tryna squeeze his lecka in asumptin

Jim has been addicted to Afrin for quite a while. You can always tell he's high on it when he's frantic and hyper, sniffing constantly and clearing his throat.

But he doesn't count that among the addictions to booze or drugs that he kicked when he was 11.



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I hope he wasn't cranky about the breakfast someone fetched for baby boy.

Aww, poor baby boy has some sniffles.

Imagine arriving at work and informing your boss you're tired so you'll just gonna chill in your cubicle until noon. almost every day of the week..

When I worked in an office right after college, pretty much every female member of the staff who was over 5/10 would do that pretty much every day.

That was a great place to work.

Ohhh nooo the poor little guy was all tuckered out! Aww. He was probably having problems running the board too, on account of being so exhausted. It's like "He doesn't know what he's doing" LOL! Is Sam asking him ironic questions about whether or not things are things? Oh jeez, I hope Jim isn't replying sheepishly. Like, he doesn't understand pop culture LOL! Hip, cool Sam is all like "ugh I can't even with this guy!" This show rocks!

Sam is all like "ugh I can't even with this guy!"

Classic Sam

On Afrin? Afrin is to keep your nose open during a bender. Or if you're under the weather and you can't breathe, I've heard. How the fuck does that, in and of itself, make someone tired?

He was snorting cum all night.

We've all been there. Even if by accident.

Can we do more threads about Norton?

You cunts are more boring than Jimmy talking about allergies.

I'll just DM you new Norton topics every hour on the hour from new accounts to accommodate your request. You cum gargling, mary.

a new bit, i love it

I'm not really going to do it you dumb chink.
Go back to rolling rice balls.

HYA HYA HYA its like youre a part of O&A! fans really do contribute so much!

I can't hear you with all that fish in your dumb gook cunt.

Thats because your have both of your dads dicks in your ears


Tiredness. Check.

Prep. Check.

Coughing. Check.

Scarf. (loading)

Sam is horrible, I'm not sure he is better than Opie anymore.

Tss, little mug's prolly tryna squeeze his lecka in asumptin