Finally, we get a break from Anthony’s political ranting.

88  2018-05-30 by pashow84


I like how Nick got fired from the same company for basically the same reason, yet his life hasn't spiralled into an alcohol-fuelled disaster. I mean you'd think the exact same thing would happen because they're politically similar and allegedly have the same ethnicity... but nope.

He was also smart enough to start his own show instead of accepting Anthony's offers to work for career obscurity CP Media.

how awkward was that convo when Nick had to turn Keith down.

I mean awkward for Keith of course

We are giving you full control of the cumia media empire, pls sign with us


"PLEEEEEEASE!!!" You know he started doing that pre-cry stutter that children do.

But still not smart enough to realize there's no reason to build out his entire basement into a "studio," when at most he had to sound proof a room and set up a table with a Zoom H6 ($350) and a few mics. He's probably spending $10k or more on this idiocy.

Nick does not have sex with children nor does he want to.

Cumia is a Pizzagate level pedophile, while bitching about Podesta and Hillary non ironically.

Cumia is a Pizzagate level pedophile, while bitching about Podesta and Hillary non ironically.

Cumia is a creep who grooms kids, but lets be real

Podesta takes child rape to a whole new level, he’s like the Pryor of kid rape

Can you imagine all the underage ass he would be getting if he supported Hillary?

He fucked up royally.

post a pic of that fancy cat in a lil bernie shirt, he would be buried in dumb cunt

Isn’t his bitching about make believe child fuckers ironic? Because Anthony is an alleged pedo.

I like how Nick got fired from the same company for basically the same reason

Nick got fired attempting a joke, while sober. Ant got fired for a rant at 2 AM, hopped up on booze and xanax, and Ant wasn’t attempting.

Nick deserves at least some credit, Ant deserves nothing

Now now. It took Ant at lest a year before his goodwill dried up. And about 3 before he became a rib cracker. Nick still has time.

Nick is Italian. Ant is Saudi.

You don't see how a family man with control of his vices might respond to a situation differently than the Tanked Tunisian?

It's gotta be better than when Dave Smith is on, maybe?

Definitely. At least Nick is still funny.

I've also heard that Anthony is still hilarious. Can anyone confirm this?

I’ve heard there’s a clip out there, directly from the source of said “hilarity,” confirming that this is, in fact, the case.

75% of the show will be about Roseanne being fired.. 25% about crime statistics leaning heavily on one particular demographic group..

Sopranos/ Goodfellas/ Godfather references too

It’s a very difficult situation.

they'll work out some way of saying the words nigger, nigga, porchmonkey or coon, because the Cumia Klanpound is the free speech network mannn and they're too woke to be censored by libtard PC culture.

So a show about how the media is emasculating the white man, with old movie and Italian impressions and slurs sprinkled in.

Wearing mommy's shoes emasculates white men.


How fucking boring and racist will this be. Drinking game: every time they make a reference to the “left” or something about black people take a shot

I fucking hate his profile pic.

Nick sucks

the always hilarious Ant

Haha, good one, wop.

*still hilarious