
4  2018-05-29 by FlashVirus


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 29, 2018 22:49:24 UTC (1 Retweets | 1 Favorites)

“Vial attack”

The ramped up drama from this race baiting dolt is so typical.

How does HE still have a job? If I tweeted what he’s said, I’d get tossed from twitter again. https://twitter.com/TheRevAl/status/1001591255581773824

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Anger clouds the mind

He seems to make a lot of typos recently. Either he's drinking more than usual or the ol' Cumia curse of dementia is showing its early signs.

It's a potion from an RPG awwwright..

"My brother keeps his emergency child spit in a vile"

If someone dared to attack me with a small glass container I'd report their ass to twitter pronto!

He is race baiting because dumb niggers like anthony take the bait


Before or after 3am?

Or closer to when he passes out drunk....maybe, sunrise?

If I tweeted what he’s said, I’d get tossed from twitter again.

Nice to see Twitter isn't a lingering source of resentment for him or anything.