Jesus that intro

27  2018-05-29 by loscrenshaw

I haven't listened to the show in a few months because it's simply not listenable. I tuned in today to hear that over-ambitious intro and that's where i stopped. Not even E-Rock can save this show.

Back to Howard 101 reruns I go.


I feel that shitty Canadian pop intro sets the mood for the flaming sack of dog turd that follows.

Does it still last 7 minutes or are they still adding shit to it?

They're still adding shit to it. Funny bit, right?


Fag and Old Queen Fag

wacky noise

Sam: 😂hyuuuuhyuuuuhyuuuuu😂

Yeah...back to the quick O&A style intro!!!

Not even E-Rock can save this show.

Well there’s your first problem.

The objective shouldn't be to save to show. It would be erocks job to save the channel. And shit canning Jim and Sam would be a step in the right direction

Its gone from ironic to fitting.

I listened to the episode with Bobby Lee. Bobby made it interesting. The intro was poison. Jim and Sam deserve to be murdered.

I love Jimmy, but I haven't had any desire to listen to J&S. If Sam's presence in ruining a show is evidenced in his Chip Podacast performance from this past weekend, I've made the right decision. He's a fucking dork who acts too cool for the room.

Jim is absolutely the worse part of the show, though. He can't work the board, guide the discussion or even tell jokes anymore. He just doesn't do anything except talk about how tired he is.

That’s a tough one man....You work on your radio show for 8 hours a week or I can log onto chatterbate and edge for 12 hours......sniff.....

The problem is that theres nobody to call Jimmy out on his horseshit. Colin, Patrice, Bobby, Vos.. Jimmy is a complete complacent faggot with nobody to check him. Unfunny boring cunt. Hope him and the FAS kid get fired so they cant afford chicken tendies, sneakers and camboy coins.

Honestly, that’s one of the reasons I stopped listening months ago. Not only was the intro annoying as fuck to sit through but then they would spend the next 15 minutes talking about how crazy and ironically wacky it was. I would just fast forward to some random spot 30 minutes in.

Maybe eventually they’ll add so much to the intro that they won’t have to do a show at all.

I hope to God you aren't paying for that trash. Even Stern re-runs have been edited Stalin style to not include anyone who's betrayed Ol' Heebie Kikeberger in the past. You're really better off with Howard TV on Youtube.

Free year with my new car, but I will likely not renew. I do watch a lot of the old howard TV youtube clips when the show was funny

They really do that shit? Jesus

JIM and SAM ! JIM and SAM !

Piss balloon 1 and piss balloon 2 aren't cute or ironic.

The objective shouldn't be to save to show. It would be erocks job to save the channel. And shit canning Jim and Sam would be a step in the right direction