Opie Podcast Episode #8 - Play-By-Play Analysis

36  2018-05-28 by NateJay82

Episode #8 – Dark Side Of The Food Industry (Carl Ruiz, Vic Henley, & Nick Solares). May 28 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • Good Ol Jim Ross does the show intro by mocking Opie for ruining his own radio career.
  • Opie rented out a studio for an hour because his on-to-go podcast concept was a terrible idea.
  • Nick is a bigtime food critic. Carl kisses his ass. Opie misspells and mispronounces his name.
  • Carl reminds everybody they have terrible palates. Only food experts like him understand taste.
  • He admits to scraping plates and recycling old food at the restaurants he has worked at.
  • Nick talks about shady restaurant practices regarding kobe beef and truffles.
  • “Food is 30% less powerful than it used to be. So I have to use 30% more” – MasterChef Carl
  • Opie congratulates himself on his ability to dumb these complex conversations down.
  • Carl asks everyone their favorite fish dishes and tells them why they’re stupid and wrong.
  • Donald Trump is stupid and Jeff Sessions is racist and the FDA is corrupt fatcats man.
  • Nick complains about imported seafood displacing local cuisine and denounces protectionism.
  • Food scientist Carl doesn’t understand the difference between cellulose and sawdust.
  • Carl and Nick take turns telling made-up horror stories about food production.
  • Opie interrupts periodically to ask stupid questions just to hear himself talk on his own show.
  • The show ends with a joke about pumpkin spice and menstruation. Good night everybody.

Best Moment: Vic Henley saying under 30 words the entire show.

Worst Moment: Carl failing to realize that food tasting “less powerful” probably has something to do with aging taste buds and smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

Overall: CiviliansDontUnderstandTheComplexTasteOfThisPreEatenFood/10


shudders just reading this shit bores me, I can't even imagine listening to it.

At least the previous episodes have been interesting trainwrecks. This one was just bland on Jim & Sam levels.

Please don’t stop. I can’t handle listening to this utter shite but I need to know exactly how awful it is.

I feel somewhat guilty though. It’s like watching a sibling get punished for something you did.

8 hours 2 comments

interest has fell the fuck off huh.

It got caught in the spam filter for some reason and wasn't visible until 2 hours ago.

But it is pretty poetic if these play-by-plays to drop like Opie's podcast on the iTunes charts.

Keeps getting better and better.