Oh Dani: A ballad by Anthony N. Cumia

35  2018-05-28 by TheGhostOfAbeVigoda

Endless days turn into tweet-filled nights Why can't they behave? I tell you baby it ain't right

Oh Dani I never found my gun I sent my fist your way and gargled on some tranny cum


The "N." stands for "Niggerucci"

Their is a strong possibility this will be sung when i document the biting of Dani.

You're a good boy. Have a signed photo, sport.


Never troll me again after this shit.


I bet you can't think of 5 people who love you.

I bet you can't think of 5 people who have fucked you.

  1. I have a pretty easy time getting laid

  2. You allegedly had a homosexual relationship with him


I think what you need is a signed photo from abe vigoda to help cheer you up

He'd never let me have his return address. Too pussy if things became real.


No one is scared of you. Except your dentist, stupid.

Ant wanted to fuck his make believe son Danny so badly that he hooked up with an annoying, broke, four foot, nasally, jew to compensate.

Yes. Why are you having homosexual fantasies about me at 1am on a holiday weekend.

Why doesn't your mother love you?

Why do you have nothing better to do at 2am. Go to bed loser.

You replied to comment i made at midnight on Friday. I’m awake because I’m at work. The fuck are you doing up?

I'm just going to block every fucking child who has nothing to do but troll me.

Legit, you're a psychopath. All y'all who follow me around with your trolling nonsense. What the absolute fuck is wrong with your mind? You're a broken, racist piece of absolute shit who would never, EVER have the balls to say ANYTHING to me. Now I'm blocking you so you can't even have the satisfaction. Fucking little girls you all are.

Pussy. Atleast I don't suck dick at guitar hero, faggot.

They’re all waiting with baited breath for you to release the next volume of Anthony Cumia erotic fanfic.

How is it that out of everyone that gets trolled here, Opie is the only one smart enough to ignore this place? I was reading the above comment thinking Danny can’t be dumb enough to respond to this. And sure enough, not only did you respond, you posted this paragraph about how you’re just going to start blocking people. It’s like you’re just asking for it. It just surprises me that one of the more Internet savvy people out of the O&A universe continuously doesn’t understand, or does understand and is just really that insecure, that no one gives as much of a shit about your monumental fail at guitar hero then you do. Which is why you’ll keep getting trolled. You’re so quick to jump on the defensive rather than ignoring dumb shit said about you on the Internet. There should be a place in the record books for the E Normas fall from grace the O&A show took in just the span of the last five years. If /u/BeigeFrequency is still looking for a subject matter to work on after the Ant doc, just do it on the expanded O&A universe. There is more than enough material coming from these idiots every day.

Ironic that u/VicDumb said this.

You’re really intimidating. I definitely don’t think some little douchebag who goes around threatening to report people to reddit is just a little bitch. Go to baby gap and get some decent clothes pussyboy.

Must be a fault in their DNA.

They’re unable to feel love for their offspring. That’s why he was able to so easily kill his own kid.

Poor lil' feller.

tss whats Travis got to do with this?