Real Ass Dude of The Week

2  2018-05-27 by HitWithTheWOWeffect

Louis on ykwd last week. Said nigger 100x, cucked Joe, talked about raping Blobert, called out baby boy. Used to hate Louis, now he's the MVP.


Which guest was he on that show, number 45?

Put up a link, bud.

If he's such a real ass dude, why is he such a punk in emails?

Nice try with the bait, ‘mo.

I'm not gonna lie, pancakes house on gas digital would be great. Think of the drama.

I was in touch.

Luis told me that in order to be considered your show needs 20,000K views a month.

I laughed in his face and that was the end of that.

You sure showed him.

“HA! I don’t have any kind of audience, dumbass!”

You sure showed him Danny

There's 0 chance any of the shows there do those numbers except the main guys.

Are you proud of being an irrelevant cunt?

No but I am proud of telling the truth wherever I can and to whomever will listen. That's all this is about. Not you.

Laughed in his face. Over an email. Right in his face.

You are the bravest man in the whole world.

No you are, for talking shit on Reddit. Look at you. Shitting on me for exactly what you're doing. Difference is, I'm not a pussy :)

I'm not claiming I'm saying this to your face, dink.

And as for a dude standing 4'7" who has likely never been in a fight in his life calling me a pussy yet again: I have nothing but anecdotal evidence (just like all the shit that you've spouted to us) so believe it or don't but on Friday, me, my buddy and some random guy beat the living shit out of a group of about 5 guys at the bar. That's a fairly regular thing I've been doing for a long time and I enjoy doing.

I also still have a badly sprained ankle that I've been working on non-stop. Actually working. Not typing. Like carrying stuff heavier than you are three stories up a ladder. I bet you'd fucking cry.

Again, no proof of any of this, but believe me or not, I could fucking stuff your head up your ass and so could Luis and so could basically anybody because you aren't even a man.

Feel better now? More like a man?

No, I'm just as content as I was. Do you feel more like a bitch? Just trying to drill it into your head that you have no business calling anyone a pussy. Nobody. You're a defective little shrunken fruit and you're physically incapable of any feat of strength or toughness. You're physically useless because you're child sized and they no longer employ children to stick their tiny hands into dangerous machinery so you have to do a girl's job like bartender or cocktail waitress or whatever the fuck you are.

I'm going to bed. I'll probably have nightmares about tiny angry hook nosed monsters trying to scurry up my pant leg and eat my wallet now. Sweet dreams you miserable little loser.


Wake up and think about me. I know you will.

I'll probably wake up and check this sub while I'm shitting and see you humiliating yourself again and feel like chiming in. Actually going to bed now.

Now you go get that last word in, Danny. You need it more than I do.

;) see?

Blob err is his slave name, he prefers slobby jelly.

Nice try with the bait, ‘mo.

I'm not gonna lie, pancakes house on gas digital would be great. Think of the drama.