Want to come over and sing karaoke?

47  2018-05-27 by unclepaul84


Girls have called me sexy.

They're not wrong, beefcake

Imagine lying all nice and cuddly in your crib, trying to get some rest after a day of sucking on your mother's tit, when this horrid face pops over your carousel and asks for a fucking.

Tss, asks for a fawkin what?

Frank carbone

This is the only picture of him that makes me pause. He seems to be experiencing a real human emotion.


He's drunk, that's why

He looks somewhat normal here.

Are his pockmarks actually symmetrical?

I fuck models.

and also be molested/punched in the face? nah

Nice sideburns, stupid

What the fuck

The fake teeth on his upper jaw look really weird. They're generally the correct shape but instead of being triangular with rounded edges they're triangular with very sharp edges. Looks like dumb fuck bought some half made fake teeth.

I can't believe this is the face of the guy who spoke so candidly about his sexcapades on O&A. This ugly SOB would wax poetic about being a stud and a sex fiend despite the fact that he looks like he haunts children's dreams. I actually cringe now relistening to his sex stories.

He needs a pair of Gypsy Grandmother gold hoop earrings.

You know, like Joe wears.

Jesus... I almost never joke about how someone from the show looks. Besides Sam of course because I mean... you don’t get fruit hanging any lower than that. But Jesus Christ. Ant legitimately resembles Freddy Kruger in this picture. Holy shit.

Simply ghoulish.

Nice sweetcorn teeth, shithead.

Man, he is as ugly as sin.

People who say his teeth looked better like this, before the veneers, are crazy.

Ant knows what young girls want these days, 90s Sienfled reruns


Stop embarrassing yourself, Anthony.

We'll drink bud light and hold guns while we sing... You know, a regular normal good time.

I have my own jacuzzi, a heated pool, a MOVIE theater full of torrented (low quality) movies from the 1970’s, a karaoke machine AND beer taps.

You got an amazon wishlist, baby?

He and Artie have that thing going where they never cut the hair on the sides of their heads.

Oh my god is this a real picture he slowly becoming the scientist from back to the future