Guys who like a nice black cock up their ass. (1/4)

45  2018-05-27 by RBuddCumia


Looks like a less funny haggard Brian Poshen

With a touch of Randy Quaid.

damn i actually thought it was Randy Quaid

Holy shit.. I just realized that I have neither thought of nor seen nor heard about that guy for like a decade! He must be laying low from MeToo allegations.

Guess you forgot to laff...

You’re probably right


This isn't a picture of Anth

Well, this picture is only 1 of 4.

You are correct, sir.

David Cross?

Ching chong ching chong?

I'm definitely forgetting to laff at this faggot's dindunuffin mug. If you're gonna be a career racist take it seriously. I thought this was a numbers man.

Lol at white girls bleed a lot......their cooters tsss

We have a TRex

Can you imagine the kind of self-hating sex talk he'd demand of his partners? An ebony hand on the back of his head, mashing his face into the pillow and calling him every sinful name known to man?

That's the look of a superior race right there.

Happy cake day!! 🎂🎁🍾

Fuck's sake, he's even got a dindu nuffin mug. He can't even drink coffee without having to stop and hate the shvartses. It's impossible to be that obsessed with a race of people without secretly wanting to get fucked in he ass by one of them.

its amazing how sad his existence is.

But enough about Ant.

He looks like an orange, which ironically goes well with chocolate

Head like a fucking orange.

Just a reminder that Ant went from entertaining Daniel Craig at his home to hosting a basement podcast where a nobody who bitches about blacks for a living is considered a get.

He looks like he's gained fifty pounds since the Bennington incident.

Guess he forgot to stop eating

Anybody know what “awards” this self-proclaimed “award-winning writer” has won?

The Colin Flaherty Award.

Likes it? HE LOVES IT!!!!!

Nice forehead dent, stupid. Definitely a victim of the knockout game.

Guy forgot how to laugh. Nice piece of ass, though.

What a disgusting asshole.

Him and Ant, just jacking their rotten penises to FBI crime statistics.

Guess you forgot to laff...

You’re probably right