An entire subcontinent of street shitting Sam Roberts's

0  2018-05-27 by Boxatorium


Apparently the WWE became really popular in India recently.

Since 50% of the population is composed of inbred illiterates, an enormous chunk of them believe its real.

They are going through a phase where backyard wrestling is extremely popular in that god-forsaken shit-hole.

That sounds awesome. I love videos of dumdums jumping barefoot onto thumbtacks.

You guys ever watch those stunt videos by P.O.R. on youtube? It's just hillbillies hurting themselves and others but I really enjoy it.

I’m a sucker for stunt videos and back yard wrestling

reminds me of a simpler time

Bamboo Cage Match?

That uncoordinated fuck in the American flag shirt tried twice to get his foot up on the cage to start climbing. Really letting the USA down.

Yeah, the best and brightest! (Eyeroll)

Sam should sell everything and start an Indian Wrestling League while the iron is hot! Maybe he'll die of intestinal worms the first week if we're lucky.

Nice shithole, stupid.