Does anyone else notice that Anthony has since done everything that he accused Opie of doing since the Gregshells video?

35  2018-05-26 by Broozie123

The laziness, The lack of self awareness, the arrogance, poor treatment of fans, selfishness etc, etc, etc.


you don’t say?

that's the bit!

Nice reference, stupid.

Yeah but the title of your post is slightly odd so I'm going to call you a faggot. Faggot.

Shuddup stoopid

Well, I'm packing up and going home. No one can come back from that kind of Cellar style bashing.

You ruining everything!

A dirty wop is a hyprocrite.

Also, water is wet.

You'd be hard pressed to find anything that Anthony doesn't do that he accuses others of. Especially criminal behavior.

Anthony was always nice to staff as well as the children he was fucking.

nice to teenage interns/staff in hopes of assaulting their teenage friends.

Walking On Greggshells

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Compound Media, Published on Apr 6, 2015

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You become what you hate

I expected more from a guy who rapes in lucid dreams.

nice to teenage interns/staff in hopes of assaulting their teenage friends.

Well, I'm packing up and going home. No one can come back from that kind of Cellar style bashing.