did Jim ever send out those indiegogo Chip cartoon perks?

49  2018-05-26 by Tugguh

I almost forgot that was a thing, and it's certainly not been talked about on Jim&Sam has it? I feel like this sub, and the o&a show universe in general, has really be lacking on reminding the $60,000 fugitive that he has obligations to fill!

surely mr. honesty would be open to discussing this, yes?


it should be the only thing mentioned about jim until he fulfills the perks

i didnt contribute to that stupid shit, but Jim would crucify someone for ripping off their fan that bad

didn't he rip on bobo for his scam

Now that you mention it, he didn’t rip on Bobo near enough the last few times Bobo was on the show. It frustrated me, and I blamed it on Jim’s general disinterest and lack of engagement with his own show. But it may be that he didn’t want to delve too far into the “online financial scam” thing since he ran one as well.

He wanted it swept under the rug.

Oh shit, you’re right. Forgot about that

There were people on YouTube giving thoughtful commentary and suggestions on how to improve the cartoon unironically. I hope these tools were among the contributors and that they lose their homes and cars because of their irresponsible spending.

He's said many times on the show that everything has been sent out to every that donated for something. A guy even posted a thread about messaging Jimmy that he never got anything and he tried helping him get his order done. God dammit it's like you fucks don't spend every day here

he actually joked on the chip podcast, as jim during a call in, how he didnt rip odd his fans

besides that it seens no one got any cake

he also said he was making a cartoon

He said he did. Nobody has proved him right yet I guess. It should be noted that nobody here has donated enough for perks(I hope)

The donors are too ashamed to admit they gave this fag money.

I think he doesnt take calls mentioning it

He's scrubbed the Chip cartoon off the internet so maybe if the cartoon never happened the $60,000 never happened?

anyone remember he said hes got like 5 scripts tucked under his bed few years ago

no, and when i dm'd him on twitter and asked him about it he called me sucker and blocked me. what are we going to do about this guys?

he cant keep getting away with this

His scamming led to the death of young Timmy Springwood.

Jim "60k" Norton

That money bought a lot of tokens for Ms. Alena.

Alen is a standup guy.

Good marriage material.

Also she'd make a great brick layer.

This is footage of the last donater looking for his perks http://oi66.tinypic.com/sey9l5.jpg

This is the second time today I've read one of you people type "a thing" on this page. I never want to have to put the fear of the lord into your soul but if you type out that girl power bullshit one more time we're going to have some words you and I.

Relax Bae. Dat ain't no Thang

I wasn't aware that disliking the phrase 'a thing' was indeed a thing. you learn a thing or two every day, wouldn't you say?

No. He straight up ignored the perks, saying he was too lazy to update. Besides, rewards north of $1k would be impossible to roll out given they require the show to be made.