So are we still spreading the Virus across America?

86  2018-05-26 by RBuddCumia

When are we planning our next assault on the media?


If you mean incurable sexually transmitted viruses common to gay men, then yes.

Ah, you poz, bro?

After this Ozone Midget Sighting of the Day brothaman.

I saw a midget yesterday and thought of that. It pisses me off that such a hack bit kept being pushed.

"Wait wait wait colin stfu someone found a midget!"

Meanwhile, back at the show.

What. Would. Management say say say.

I'll never forget the time Opie interrupted a Nick Dipaolo joke for a caller with a blowjob Thursday story.

brothaman brothaman!


the destroyer has only done 7 shows and we are already over a million views. nobody could have predicted the virus would spread this fast.

Brothaman played his cards right escaping Sirius to create in the pop-up show arena

brothaman brothaman!


The atomic bomb is when we go for Howard. But we aren’t doing that yet. Or ever. Since our dumb “generals” can’t get through his screeners.

Dougout Doug what ya got?

Let's crush that jew nose

Where's General Bam when we need him?

Fucking Lyndsi in the anus

What do we get him with...when we do get him with

I don't really like Howard but what the fuck are you gonna "get" him with? "Congrats on getting hundreds of millions of dollars?" "Really love your comedy-autobiography you played yourself in, 20 years ago?" "Good work on going from hookers on an orgasm machine screaming on the radio to being on mainstream television."

Howard won, in every sense of the word. He himself is not that funny, and he's kept his underlings underneath him and underpaid for the most part, but what can you say about the guy, to the guy, etc, to get him down?

And you're not going to get him by digging up old dirt, either. He has (((a special protection))) from such things. Just ask Woody Allen. The guy who rapes children and marries his stepdaughter.

I am, but it's unrelated to the show

Jim is still spreading the virus

Brother Joe as well


Is autism a virus?

I waiting for orders from head pest No Filter Paul.

Syndication now!

I totally got WOWed, I almost crashed my car. Had to pull over I was fawkin howlin

I had to pull over and “take care of myself”


Ever since WYSP cancelled the show, promos that claimed the virus was spreadin were a downright embarrassment.

The sad truth is Sherrod has a better shot a line of the day than Vic.

I'm still HIV negative so I can't spread the virus.

I feel dirty and cheap, like I've let you all down.

The Virus is percolating inside of Jimmy's asshole, alongside a string of Princess Alena's cum.

No its not, the PrEP takes care of it

DUDE, I was driving down the street and a FUCKING MIDGET WOW'D ME, No lie! Completely true story, I had to pull over because I was howlin' so much.

Spreading shitlam across the UK. Free Chommy Robinson!

If you were a true PEST (pedophile everything satans true) then you'd know when you hear one sniff followed by a 'brothaman' that means prepare an acid attack. A long uhh followed by a sniff and if the sentence ends with 'period' means we gotta kill john lennon. Just listen to the podcast