BREAKING NEWS: Former Stripper is Dumb

9  2018-05-26 by Phkna1


i didnt either

Her face reminds me of something and I cant put my finger on it, was suffice to say it isn't good.

I wanna put my finger in her dumb ass

A horse.

It reminds me of Mike & Ike candy

Rain Pryor face.

I don't know of either of these niggs

They all look the same to me anyway

Truly a legendary article.

I don't know if I would bang her or not. I probably would.

Of course you would. Hot and stupid is a perfect combination.

Don't forget a dash of low self-esteem.

When people say “would you bang her” is kind of a moot question.

The question should be, “would you put up with her dumb bullshit long enough to fuck her?”

Who the fuck are any of these spooks?


Non-whites are ruining everything.

Look at the name of who wrote the article...

they really are scum of the earth. gas then all

He has a piss slit on his snotbox.

He was funniest when his name was Derrick Comedy.

And he was taping bros.

They were great for the early days of youtube. Saying niggerfaggot and making rape jokes.

The one where he shits is pants multiple times in a classroom is great.

The movie was pretty funny as well, to bad he tries so hard to be cool now.

Kid Parkinsons still cracks me up.

She looks and sounds exactly like Nicki Minaj at least Donald is original.

Donald is the latest in a long line of untalented mumbme rappers

He doesn’t mumble though except the one song when he is making fun of them...

You say some dumb shit.

I’ve been saying that she’s retarded all along. A lot of ppl think her tardness is charming and cute.

jewish people exploit black people because they have lower iqs and the jews have no virtues

She sounds like Baby Bop from Barney

A dumb stripper, SHOCKING.

The intellectual threshold to be famous as a woman is shockingly low.