Jim's opinion on the use of the word nigger by rappers...

10  2018-05-25 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

Is about as useful as a retard with a calculator.


Really? I found his outrage rather refreshing. Also, his insiders deep dive into the craft of comedy is always a fascinating 'go-to' as a civilian. Jim Norton knows hip.

Whitesplaining jim is the worst


One more thing 🐜h can't.

Jimmy opinions are worthless

Jim should move to Transylvania...get it?

Yea cuz he’s a vampire or sumthin I dunno

Jim' hippity hop👣

What did Big Daddy James have to say ?

If they don't want white people to sing it they shouldn't write it into their songs.

Well I heard Kendrink deliberately invited a white girl on stage and encouraged her to sing along with his song and then shit on her when she did so. Pretty sneaky, sis.

Guy who makes his living off of free speech and no sacred cows thinks it's alright if blacks collectively ban that word for white because "they've been through a lot."
It's embarrassing that most Americans don't have a comprehension of history earlier than 100 years.

"White people saying 'the N word', I dunno that's a tough one man..."

I think a lot of you misread/heard what Jim has been saying on this issue and literally always has. he thinks if no one can use the word nigger(or any word) then no one at all should be using it. there shouldnt be a double standard with language. hes always said this haha.

I think you misread/heard what I'm saying and that is Jim Norton is a dumb cunt. hes always been one haha.

i can tell you have a problem with jimmy, what did he do to you sir?

I don't have a problem with James. He's just a dumb cunt. Water is wet. Friday is after Thursday. You're a fag. Just the facts, bud.

where did he hurt you

I see you only have one gear. Poor lil guy.

the guy who posts nothing but anti jim norton material, with the username jimnortonunfunnyfag, is calling me out on one terrible joke. great irony

A) You're assuming I'm a guy.
B) I post about all kinds of shit, not just fag Norton, stupid.
C) You whiteknighting Jim proves you're a fag.

a) if youre not a male, this conversation is over.

Or retard with a super computer, amiright..

It's a tough one man....

I thought AIDS finally got him? No?