Sometimes I feel like I'm going to end up like Anthony

34  2018-05-25 by fish_flower

minus the money

Sad and alone. Probably as obsessed with this place as he is twitter. Dick in my butthole and tits against my back. I should find a spouse, even if it's an ugly one.



Do you have a brother that could set you up with a lady?

Am sure you meant a "lady"

I should find a spouse, even if it's an ugly one.

That's the spirit!

I jumped into this bandwagon recently. It's alright I guess.


How ugly we talking?

Ehhhhhh a 5 in the morning, a 6 after being done up, a 7 on a real good day? Also a little chubby but she's no where near Dave landau wife level.

Could always be worse. God bless


Know when to blow your brains out. You'll never be like Ant.

Shit negro. That’s all you had to say.

Reminder: Anthony Cumia got the job of a lifetime at 33, and before that was a total loser. Everyone's still got time left, and all you have to do is not be a pock-faced faggot and fuck everything up.

Anthony is an unintentional inspiration. If even he can succeed, you should be able to.

Well he used to actually be funny so, not really. Look at people like Chris D'elia instead... No wait he is pretty.

Tranthpa is proof that a nig nog can make it in this crazy world.

But I'm 42

Oh you're fucked

Yeah. You are.

Well, Rodney Dangerfield and Regis were both like 50 before they made it so.....maybe. although I'm not really trying that hard to make it. So....fuck. yeah. I'm done.

I used to have dreams, and then I realized all my dreams are ultimately about having millions of dollars and a harem of sluts hanging around my mansion, so whatever means I have to go through to get to that end, I'm okay with.

-Move to a shit hole country were your money goes further

-Figure out how to keep a source of revenue doing shit online

-Buy the daughters of the neighbors who piss you off, then mate with them violently

No go out there and be somebody!

But seriously... would a place like Romania be so bad? They have faster internet than the US. Also, Dracula lives there.

if you know your way around a gypsy, go for it

I bet you could slash a gypsy's throat in the public square and nobody would give a shit.

oh they would

you’d get a medal for bravery

My go to is Nepal

every one of our dollars is like 70 of their monopoly money

drugs grow wild and every were

petite brown women

I've always heard Nepal is paradise-like. With real people money, you'd probably have a great life there.

if i could save up 10k id leave in a second

dunno what id do there for work, probably sherpa or selling alpacha rides to round eyes

Learn their language, become an English teacher. Boom.

Thats the way its been all ya life, no respect at all

Willie Nelson was like under 42 before he made it also, I think

You should probably be shopping for toe attachments.

Ugly but nice?

I find it harder to understand the urge to be fucked by a tranny than to understand fucking one. If you are getting a dick in your ass why bother with the fake tits, just grab any old fag right?

Don't get married. I had a buddy get married 2 years ago and it only took about 6 months for his wife to ruin his life. Now he's a miserable, anxious, depressive fuck that can't do anything without getting in "trouble" as a grown ass man.

It's not worth it brotherman

that can't do anything without getting in "trouble" as a grown ass man.

What a faggot.

If you spend even 10% of your time not drunk on twitter, you're a better person than nana

Alone is better. My old coworker is in his mid 30's, never married, and lives the life. He drinks all the time, smokes in the house, and shoots his guns on the weekend. Also fucks 4's constantly. Genuinely happy man.

Genuinely happy man.

Somehow, i doubt that

Genuinely, chemically. Who can keep track?

I was a man whore in my 30s. I had three girlfriends and I basically just pivoted from house to house to house.

It gets old. Basically the kind of girl who'll put up with this nonsense isn't "a catch", so I was basically slumming it for ten straight years.

Being married with kids is a lot more satisfying.

OTOH, if you want to start a harem, AMA.

I'm on a dangerous path myself

"Dick in my butthole and tits against my back" Sounds like you found your book title.


I appreciate the comedy

Get in shape, start approaching every attractive girl you come across, and you'll have multiple dating options at all times.

The idea of needing to get married in order to have a LTR partner or rotation of girlfriends (whatever you prefer) is ridiculous. Make yourself a desirable guy and you'll never been alone, stupid.

Pig Amy will be available soon.

Anthony is an unintentional inspiration. If even he can succeed, you should be able to.

Tranthpa is proof that a nig nog can make it in this crazy world.

But I'm 42

I used to have dreams, and then I realized all my dreams are ultimately about having millions of dollars and a harem of sluts hanging around my mansion, so whatever means I have to go through to get to that end, I'm okay with.

Thats the way its been all ya life, no respect at all

Willie Nelson was like under 42 before he made it also, I think