I just don't understand how people can care about race.

51  2018-05-25 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I like people or I don't like them. I've never attributed it to their skin color or ethnicity. It seems so exhausting to think about that shit all the time. To make it the focus of your entire existence. And for what?


You should tweet that to nana maybe he will have an educated reason ..

My nigga OP isn't up to date with FBI crime statistics I see.

I know. It's so great to be white, I don't even think about race.

Autistic people like to keep track of patterns, thus everyone's autists eventually figured out jews were awful, blacks weren't reliable, and the majority of non-whites caused more mayhem than the whites(while including the most awful of whites)

If you don't learn it you won't care. And if you do learn it and aren't a complete retard then you'll be fine. Most people are alright because otherwise everyone would hate them.

This only holds true in 1st world nations though

You don't have to be autistic to notive the state of the countries these "people" come from. Except the Jews. They deserve the history lesson on their ways.

hey /u/TinKnockinMoroccan you stupid niggerloving faggot! respond to this guy.

I think Jews as a whole are unfairly maligned. There seems to be a small and very insidious group of people within in the jewish community that uses the rest of the jews as a shield. They use the holocaust and other atrocities committed against the 99% of the good, innocent jewish people to condone their actions.

/u/MalcolmX_InTheMiddle can you believe this shit?

Get a room already.

That guy's aspiring to be the next Opie Roberts.

I thought truly autistic people were bad at tracking patterns



were awful?

There is a bar I visit that has an open mic. The host is a 50yo Jamaican who grew up in DC. There are two assholes that come by every week and spend their mic time giving him shit; more than typical ball busting to any given mature man. Yet, he spends time between comics to "set them straight" as opposed to banning them from the show.

What race do you think they are?

Maybe my sample is too small, but every person I've met from Jamaica, Trinidad, etc has been super chill and nice.

He has issues, but he's more Caribbean-American more than straight Jamaican.

My question was about the two jerks.

Puerto Rican?

I'll elaborate on another time that said DC host put on a show, and a white comic missed the show, thinking the call time was later. Host banned him from any subsequent show he produces.

White comic did not shit talk him at all, still fucked up, and took the punishment.

The two unfunny dicks' response to his verbal warnings: "It was a joke. Chill man, I was playing." Nobody laughs, repeat each week.

...Yeah I don't know where you're going with this

I just proved people care about race. If it didn't matter or no one cared, the host would have banned them too, and we wouldn't have spent 45 minutes on this.

There is not enough info.

That's why it's a guess dipshit.

Buy a rockcoat


We have a winner.

Pit bull owners?

Fucking hack shut up.

I know. It's so great to be white, I don't even think about race.

I'm with this Character!

I wish we could all be white.

And men!

Don't get carried away. Somebody needs to be the losers.

You don't get to be white if you don't act white. Look at asians, they picked up the script and ran with it.

Praise Alah! - Nothing beats being white, my friend.

I don't judge individuals based on ethnicity, I have friends who are non-white. The difference is when looking at large groups overall, you can obviously see the difference in how their society looks based on race. The only non-white countries I would ever consider living in are Japan, South Korea, certain provinces of China, and Italy.

Also I've been around 40% of India, and um... that really cemented my racism, but in a nuanced way. They're so gross, but even though their culture is overall superior to Africa's, a shitload of Africans wouldn't subject themselves to shitting on the streets. Africans running a store would understand that you put used cups in the bin, you don't just throw them out the front door.

Grow up fag, you've never left Rhode island, stop trying to appear worldly

This coming from 'jewboy'

Pics of your sister's beefers please

'Some of my best friends are black' pathetic! What has this place become?

I said I had non-white friends. Not niggers.


Still, attributing that to genetics right away is a cop out. 1st world countries don't pollute at the same scale as Indians, if I had to assume why I'd say caring about environment is a pretty late stage in a country's development, I wouldn't immediately assume they're born that way.

I don't think it's a cop out at all. A lot of the lower class Indians are abnormal and retarded-looking. Pakistanis and a lot of Arabs have a giant problem with inbreeding, and even after years of being educated by top-notch Western schools they still trail behind their peers.

Why couldn't you attribute it to genetics, anyway? Many races have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years separate from others, so what are the odds that they develop at the same rate to where it conveniently doesn't matter in The Current Year? Again, we're talking about large groups of people, not individuals.

Don’t be a nigger, Carl


This is just a theory obviously. But I believe that people have a feeling that something is wrong, that things are inherently unbalanced and tipped in the opposite favor. I should say almost everyone is born with some varying level of emptiness. A dull pain that’s completely abstract. It’s easier to deal with that feeling when you can attach a face or cause to it. Otherwise it’s haunting and it can be scary to accept there is no real solution for it. So to give it a blanketed generalizing face in order to combat it you will look for what’s different from your self. And essentially you’ll pick a mask of sorts, for people who don’t think very critically the options for this “mask” are the lowest common denominator. It’s literally black and white to them. It manifests itself in many other ways as well on a higher level of thought I think some people do the same thing with politics. It comes as a burden of being a human. Being aware you exist while dealing with the conflicting reality that you have no real identity or purpose.

Wow. This is a really fucking good theory.

Thank you guys, it’s not something you didn’t already know I’m sure, but I believe a lot of people disagree with my theory.

What are you doing making sense in here? Go on, git!

Kill yourself already

Believe me I’m considering it

Just destroy your hardrive for you loved ones sake

Everything’s going to be okay. I know it’s been rough lately but I have faith in you.

That's comforting

A dull pain that’s completely abstract.

They only answer is pouring booze on the problem.

Im pouring everything on it yet somehow every now and again it breaks through. Hope your holding up.

The only thing that works are passion projects. But I regularly lose motivation.

Same here. Idk if this will help but it helps me. When you lose motivation look at the project as if it’s a job. You do it even if you hate bcuz the end result is money. In this case the end result is something better as it keeps that gun barrel safely away from your mouth and the roof of your head intact.

I have periods of manic energy where I will stay up for 20 hours drawing, for instance. But there are also the doldrums. Where you feel like a worthless asshole who can't do anything.

Totally understand the ups and downs and how low the fucking lows are. And yeah they all end with a toe attachment. I’m constantly fighting my brain so I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching to you at all. And god forbid I upset this fuckin witless moron over there who won’t fuck off. But if you think about your ability to see beauty in shit like it’s a muscle that needs to be stretched regimented trained properly and most importantly done even when you feel like doing anything but that. Quicker than you expect you’ll see improvements in your mood and in your life you got the first part, we all die now learn to enjoy the fuckin ride while your on it.

I just have very little passion about anything. Haven't figured out a way around it other than forcing myself to do shit.

The ability to force your self to do shit Is the hardest part. There’s nothing you like doing ? Not even movies or tv?

I like watching hockey and playing video games, there's not a whole lot to do with that haha. I like playing guitar, but not passionate about it. I make myself play a bit every day or every other day. I'm just a lazy fuck. My favorite thing to do is sit around and do nothing, it's lame.

Wow, no shit. Looks like someone just got high and read some Sartre.

I had to google Sartre and I never once even thought I had stumbled upon something original. I just gave my opinion I’ll take it as a compliment seeing as this person you assumed I was imitating is smart.

Fuck off, show some giant jew tits, make fun of opie or anthony, or take this shit to your blog.

Poor lil walleyed mug.

Why don’t you tell me something faggot, explain life to me you fucking pussy. Dumb bitch.

What insightful (((psychoanalysis))).

If your not being sarcastic thank you 🙏🏿

I dont hate jews. Been afraid to say that here.

Mods, put u/Belchides on The List.

If its any consolation, I hate Danny Ross. Not because he's Jewish but because he's a loser.

He's a loser because he's Jewish. Everything irritating about him are typical characteristics of a Jew.

But he isn't smart or running the world.

Well, they can't all be head Nibba - there has to be a misfire now and again, or they'd overrun the ecosystem. But's he's deceitful, pushy, arrogant, and obnoxious - all traits of the Jew. They can't help it - their religion tells then they are destined to rule over goyim (non-jews), and that they should be treated like cattle. When you get a steady diet of that for most of your life, it tends to warp you view of the world and your place in it.

Thany you child


We get it, you're an unidentifiable mongrel like Sam.

It’s also pathetic to hate your own race so much that you constantly tweet FBI crime statistics about them. Just embrace your black self Ant!

all races are the same. Cultures, however, are vastly different.

Science says otherwise - do you deny science?

So, I read an anecdote by an actor that worked on the original "Planet of the Apes" movie - you know, the Charlton Heston one? Most of the actors wore these "cutting edge" (for the time) masks, that were glued to the actor's faces, and that meant they couldn't easily take them off, so they'd have to eat lunch while wearing them.

What this actor noticed was that the guys wearing chimp masks all sat together in a group to eat, and the guys wearing gorilla masks sat together in a different group, and the guys wearing orangutan masks sat in a third. It was the same self-segregating behaviour you see in prison or in the military; but this time it wasn't based on race, it was based on what fucking masks people were wearing.

So, yeah - I think it's a natural human behaviour we've evolved to do; but I'm not sure it makes sense anymore to continue doing it in the modern world.

So, yeah - I think it's a natural human behaviour we've evolved to do; but I'm not sure it makes sense anymore to continue doing it in the modern world.

I used to believe that too but then I realized I have always associated with people of a variety of races. I hung/hang out with people who are funny, cool or interesting. I think segregation is for boring and bitter people.


You’ve probably only hung out with other bougie college educated people

I spend a lot of time in the unemployment line with POC because my gender studies degree didn't pan out.

Did you ever think that maybe you are just on the low end of the white bell curve and that's why you see them as equals?

I always question my intelligence due to my Italian heritage.

You're not even white, nigger.


That proves it!!!

They've done studies where babies do the same thing - they always choose to be around others of their own race. It's cakes "in-group bias" and pretty natural.


That's an argument smart racists like Jared Taylor use to support white nationalism. It makes sense for the most part - same race people will be more comfortable around people that look like them. Communities in turn will feel more like family if people look like eachother and this family feeling is conduitive to a happier and cooperative society.

The issue is that it plays into the 'naturalistic fallacy' as in just because its our nature doesn't make it 'morally' ok. Being selfish is in our nature but is not 'moral'. Ideally we would be better off if we can see people that look nothing like us but still have affinity for them. And as our brains can be changed this mindset can be achieved if someone made the mental effort to relate/feel for people outside their racial group.

Guy who's only met white people.

Sorry, but numbers don't lie. You can make fun of Nana for tweeting them, but they aren't any less true. And since they're collected by social scientists at the behest of the federal government, they're probably underreported. So, yeah, when one, preportionally small race causes so much trouble, I notice it and act appropriately. To not do so would be irrational.

Just because it's a disgusting, horrible, and unclean truth, doesn't make it any less true.

There's a reason even black cops are "racist", and it's not because they wake up in the morning wanting to murder dark skinned young men.

I mean, you're right. Blacks do commit a disproportionately high amount of crime. But are you even interested in finding out the societal and historical reasons? Or are you the type of person who says, "Eh, it's all genetic, they're just inferior humans".

Sorry, but you sound like the latter.

Some of it is definitely environmental, what with the drug war going on and welfare keeping them in a poverty trap (drugs being illegal exacerbates this by providing a violence driven market that allows the most violent in the group to make more than the community at large) but on the other hand there is legitimately SOME genetic and at the very least A LOT OF cultural problems in their community that contribute greatly to the violence rates of their race overall (see: rampant child abuse, infidelity and lack of father's [[again propogated by financial incentives caused by welfare]])

What is the genetic component? And are you confident you can narrow down whatever genetic components there are to specifically African-Americans, and say that "this racial group has this unique genetic predisposition to crime"?

It's lower overall IQ. It's not rocket science.

IQ is not genetical and it's a pretty controversial way to measure somebody's mental capability anyway, there's tons of factors at play here. Say you're at 100 IQ now having grown up in a modern world with standard education. If you grew up in a total shithole/3rd world country and had 0 education/barely any contact with modern culture I doubt you'd break 90 on the same test. Maybe asians are genetically smarter than everyone else, but IQ tests are not a good way to prove it.

OK so you've cast doubt on the IQ element. You've done nothing to argue the cultural aspect of my argument.

If I link you to a legitimate study that says IQ is absolutely genetic, will you believe it? I mean, it's hard to have discussions with people who deny science, so I always as before I try to enlighten someone about it. Think carefully, because it's pretty much settled science that intelligence is strongly influenced by genetics, so if you say "yes," and I provide the link and you STILL refuse to accept reality, it's going to look pretty bad for you.

If I sound like the latter, it's because that is the reason. When you have average IQs in the 80's, you're just going to suck at life, and nothing short of genetic manipulation (which we can't do yet) is going to fix it.

How is a low IQ a black thing?

Have you seen Appalachian whites? IQs lower than 85, no crime because they've lived in utter seclusion.

If European gypsies were put in the exact same time and place as Africans - I guess you'd expect them to be like all more modern day Europeans, in like one lifetime? Eh?

Shut the fuck up!

I don't have the time nor the inclination to give you a comprehensive instruction on psychometrics. Suffice to say, it's settled science that American blacks have an average IQ of 85, which is a full standard deviation from the norm (which is about 100, give or take the Flynn effect). It is now becoming increasingly clear that intelligence is heritable, and that certain genes (at last count, a couple hundred I believe) account 20-50% of intelligence, which, as far as genetic/epigentics goes, is massively determinative. Study after study has been conducted which controlled for socio-economic factors, and the results are the same. Genes control every aspect of every living thing. From eye color to height to hair color to coordination and everything in-between, we concede that genetics are determinative, so why would we think they wouldn't be for intelligence? Does that make sense? That genes control every aspect of every living thing - except intellect? You're not interested in reason, just feelings, but if you actually think about this issue critically, there's only one rational conclusion.

I would say that Kenyans and Ethiopians are better long-distance athletes than Nigerians and Cameroonians on average entirely because of culture, yes.

I would say that white Eastern Europeans are better strongmen on average than Spaniards or Italians too.

When we discuss questions about the origins of human differences, most of the scientific designs that might be most informative aren’t available. You can’t breed people, you can’t mess with their DNA, you can’t raise them under controlled conditions. So the discussion is necessarily based on quasi-experimental science that is, by definition, fundamentally flawed. Most social scientific arguments are tiresome in exactly this way. You've been a shining example.

Because we have no actual empirical theory, this goddamned discussion is all about your intuitions against my intuitions. “Well, it sure seems to me that if the black/white IQ difference was environmental, it would have been reduced at least a little by now!” “Yeah, but it has been reduced by five IQ points, and what about the children born to white German mothers and Black American soldiers?” “Well, OK, but what about the trans-racial adoption study?” “Yeah, that’s not how I interpret the trans-racial adoption study!” And it just never fucking ends.

Declaring something to be a science doesn’t make it so. You "race realists" want all the good things that come from being thought of as scientists. You want academic respect, you want protection from charges of racism, you want clear separation from the very recent history of “race science” that led directly to the Holocaust and Jim Crow. You fuckers have to earn it, by doing the hard work and developing the quantitative and empirical theories that definitively turn your intuitions about racial stereotypes into real(ist) science.

“Because we have no actual empirical theory, this goddamned discussion is all about your intuitions against my intuitions.”

No, we have “actual empirical theory,” it’s called psychometrics and genetics, and it’s been informed by about 100 years of scientific study and tens of thousands of experiments. You know, “real science.”

You’re a science denier, so there’s no point debating you - I can say the world is round, and you will claim it’s flat because you want it to be. It’s that preposterous. I asked you if I linked some good studies done on this issue from reputable scientists and institutions (not “race realists”) would change your mind, and you didn’t reply.

You aren’t empirical, you’re emotional, so there’s really no good reason to continue the discussion. Oh, and a link to that study of Appalachian IQs? Why can’t you provide that?

But is that down to race or because blacks live in shirty socioeconomic neighbourhoods?

It's down to intelligence, which is heritable and determinative. Blacks are cognitively genetically inferior. Science says so, history says so.

Nigerian immigrants to the US outearn white Americans. Looking at aggregate data isn't so straightforward.

Whatever "race-realist" notion you might have, surely you must agree the vast amount of cultural problems in the "black community" must be responsible for a lot of those statistics, too. Before the Great Society and the introduction of federal welfare on a large scale, intact families were the norm, black youth unemployment was lower than white youth unemployment, etc.

At the same time, if you look only at rural redneck and hillbilly whites, you see very similar problems. It's hard to argue that those folks are just genetically inferior to white Yankees.

But even if that were the case, there are smarter, more virtuous people, as well as losers, among all groups. Usually, you can easily know more about people than their race. So what's the point of treating them as a member of a collective, rather than an individual?

"surely you must agree the vast amount of cultural problems in the "black community" must be responsible for a lot of those statistics". Why must I agree with that when there is no proof of it? There is proof that the average American black has an average IQ of 85, that intelligence is highly heritable (genetic), that intelligence regresses to the mean, and that it's predictive of behavior, anti-social or otherwise.

This discussion is about criminality. Are "rural redneck and hillbilly whites" (what's the difference?) as violently criminal as blacks?

And of course there are outliers (also known as "anecdotes"), but that isn't what we're discussion, nor should it be when examining a large population of anything. If I told you 1 out of 100 lions behaves like a house cat and will never, ever harm a human, would you try to pet every lion you saw?

Because crime rates among blacks aren't universal or constant. They spike in certain times and certain areas based on their socio-cultural environment.

Sorry, but numbers don't lie.

Don't be daft--metrics are easily manipulated.

Do you deny blacks are disproportionally criminal? Are those numbers lies? You're not an American, but if you were, would you be willing to test your theory?

Yeah. Blacks have only ruined like five major American cities. We’ll make more. Hell, let’s give them our spots in colleges and middle management jobs. Fuck my wife, please!

If "blacks" ruined five major American cities, then maybe they're superior.

As bringers of destruction there’s literally nothing better.

That's why there are all those real life Wakandas out there

Just five? And I'm sure the decline in the civil service industry had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that civil service jobs were the first to have affirmative action applied to them. Nope, the post office, the DMV, and all the other public-facing government jobs have always been filled with the worst, most incompetent, and rude people our society has to offer, and those rosey representations of efficient and courteous government workers you see in old movies were just lies.

I'm old. I actually remember when the post office was staffed with ex military, very polite, competent people.

Focus of your entire existence, no. But anyone who wants to experience a full life, not cut short by violence, needs to constantly assess their surroundings when finding themselves in a less than ideal situation. Statistics aren't racist, they are calculated from history; and history has proven that I am much more likely to be murdered, violently assaulted and/or robbed by a person/persons of color. This isn't a theory on my part, even the previous Presidents grandmother came to the same conclusion.

When you're confronted about your own race being evil, you kinda want to dish shit back in the other direction. And believe me, there's a lot to dish about negros.

But it's useless in general on an individual basis. I recognize that coons are generally a silly, violent people on a basis of averages, but I still like black people in general more than white leftists.

While reading up on race realism, I realized i understood all the science supporting their theories as much as I understood the science that disputed those theories, which is very little

There are only two types of people

Cool people, and Nerds

if any of you jokers need me, I’ll be in my office


Fuck yes nigga

What percentage of all murders are committed by "cool people," and how many by "nerds?"

The Fonze doesn’t do “percentages”

thats for nerds

nice 6 year old view of the world you fucking retard

if you hate anthony because of racism you are a complete faggot

We all know you're full of shit.

I grew up in a black neighborhood so I don't know what the fear of black people is. Lots of blacks actually expect that reaction and their tough guy act immediately deflates when you stare back at them. Never been stabbed or shot or robbed, although I was an accesory once when we were eating chinese and one guy decided to rob the register. But that was an exciting evening.

I like the darker races. I got more problems with Asian people than blacks or indians.

peace and love, maaan

noticing societal trends and segregating on a personal level are two different things completely, very stupid and ignorant to combine them.

The ability to force your self to do shit Is the hardest part. There’s nothing you like doing ? Not even movies or tv?

Some of it is definitely environmental, what with the drug war going on and welfare keeping them in a poverty trap (drugs being illegal exacerbates this by providing a violence driven market that allows the most violent in the group to make more than the community at large) but on the other hand there is legitimately SOME genetic and at the very least A LOT OF cultural problems in their community that contribute greatly to the violence rates of their race overall (see: rampant child abuse, infidelity and lack of father's [[again propogated by financial incentives caused by welfare]])

If I sound like the latter, it's because that is the reason. When you have average IQs in the 80's, you're just going to suck at life, and nothing short of genetic manipulation (which we can't do yet) is going to fix it.

I don't have the time nor the inclination to give you a comprehensive instruction on psychometrics. Suffice to say, it's settled science that American blacks have an average IQ of 85, which is a full standard deviation from the norm (which is about 100, give or take the Flynn effect). It is now becoming increasingly clear that intelligence is heritable, and that certain genes (at last count, a couple hundred I believe) account 20-50% of intelligence, which, as far as genetic/epigentics goes, is massively determinative. Study after study has been conducted which controlled for socio-economic factors, and the results are the same. Genes control every aspect of every living thing. From eye color to height to hair color to coordination and everything in-between, we concede that genetics are determinative, so why would we think they wouldn't be for intelligence? Does that make sense? That genes control every aspect of every living thing - except intellect? You're not interested in reason, just feelings, but if you actually think about this issue critically, there's only one rational conclusion.