Kumail Nanjiani's first gig that got him noticed by Hollywood

46  2018-05-25 by Der-Giftpilz


what's the reasoning for them pooping without toilets? and why does their lettering look upside down? looks like some kinda extra demonic hebrew scribbles

It’s poor ppl that do it. They don’t have plumbing and beg for money or work far away from their hut, so they shit wherever. I’m a handsome Sikh so my family in India don’t have that problem.

If you really are a dot head, can you explain why you all think the world needs 1 billion of you? We alread have a billion worthless chingchongs, what are you thinking?

I’m a Sikh not a Hindu. We’re like 2% of the population of India

Same thing

Good one

You're brown and probably smell like curry. It's close enough. Nobody gives a fuck about your religous beliefs.


Sorry, it's true.

Could you tell us what this sign is trying to convey?

Man, I’m from Vancouver. I don’t know what that gibberish says

By "Vancouver" do you mean "Surrey"?

Lol no. Richmond actually

Well don't say Vancouver then you silly goose.

Well it’s 5 mins away and ppl wouldn’t really recognize Richmond

As they shouldn't.

where's the next khalistan revolutionary meeting?

It says until when will you continue to live the lives of dogs

Can i play with your knife?

If that’s what u wanna call it

the world needs billions more of debt participants. That's the explanation of 'needed' immigration in countries with high unemployment and high homelessness

People with clean slates & no knowledge of jewy money lending. Now will the world collapse if people falter their evil plans... I dunno, so i'm not sure who to entrust in my sheckles more

Nah, it's worse than that - there's active resistance to indoor plumbing in India.

"I'm not like those scrawny call centre working Hindus" - Every Sikh ever.

I’m 6’2 220 lbs. so I guess I’m not

6'2 of no poo in the loo.

This guys good

Yeah. All the Sikh I've known tended to built well, but I've never made it two sentences into a conversation with one before I hear "I'm not Hindu. Those guys are little bitches. I'm cool sword wielding sexy type of Indian"

We have a lot of Sikhs in British Columbia so I don’t really have to explain that here. The whites can tell the difference

Every sikh looks handsome after 12 patiala pegs

But even when Europeans were poor and lived like this they had special areas where they would shit. Indians just shit anywhere and all over beaches.

Yea, Hindus r gross


Vurry gooood

The dog looks cleaner/smells better than the savage

No, you are wrong

Hello pls halp me, I am drowning, blobblblblbll

I think that there should be designated shitting streets personally. Why not, you know?

But there are and is and that's what they do!

So after I’ve shown that dogs who takes the bigger shit,what do I wipe with?Swamp ass in Indian heat?GTFO.

With the dog, obviously

Use water, you filthy animal.

I am fluent in the savage tongues. The film is titled "Dog Poop / Man Poop" and Leonard Maltin gave it three stars.

If we were still in the 80's, Kumail would just be filling whatever derogatory role set aside for "those people"

india fawkin sux

Hmm..looks like none of the pajeets want to own up to visiting this shit sub.
First line says "how long will you live like an animal"

Second line in small red letters says "think of your honor, become a citizen of the modern era and of polite society, get an outhouse/toilet built for yourself"
big blue letters specify the local municipal body that's produced the message.
assuming this is aimed at pajeets in the rural areas who are too fucking cheap to get a bathroom for their own houses

How do you know what it says? Checkmate

How did they shit flies?

Shithole countries.LOL

Poop Doggy.

Good one

If that’s what u wanna call it

With the dog, obviously

We have a lot of Sikhs in British Columbia so I don’t really have to explain that here. The whites can tell the difference

Use water, you filthy animal.