Friend of Kelsey Cook wants credit for learning how to ride a train.

27  2018-05-24 by Ant_Sucks


pretty white women are a special kind of retard

Their biggest contribution to society is Etsy. That should tell you how worthless they are.

Ugly white women stay retarded in the shadows.

Is this the Dumb cunt who can’t open an umbrella or boil water?

Cook should be charred then flayed next. Judging by her Twitter output we've tempered her banal outpourings.

Or maybe shes been trying to tweet with her garage door opener

I hope it breaks.

Women are worthless.

Well now thats not entirely true, they do have self lubricating penis holes


Can’t wait till she learns tp toe her own shoes

No that’s one step closer to untying the knot keeping her safe in my closet

i think it's a valuable gift to conquer public transport when you often drunkenly mistake your garage door opener for something else.

Welcome to New York. Now go fuck yourself.

What a dumb, hayseed slit.

Current fat girl.

I really thought you were describing Jim.

1500 likes - go Isis.

For a woman that is an accomplishment

What a shitty generation this is.

It's just shitty upper middle class kids who moved into the city after having parents bail them out in life over and over. It's nothing new.

I don't get it, does a bitch not know how to read a subway map? I'm from tiny ass hicksville and I can easily read a subway map. They're specifically made to be easy to read by people who may not be able to speak english well, or at all.

Fucking worthless whores.

She must have never seen a homeless guy take a dump on the subway

Women need validation for everything.

"the Eurorail system across Europe"

No such thing, you stupid slit. And even if there were it would be fucking redundant to point out it was in Europe, wouldn't it?

Women really are good for nothing except breeding.

I hate attractive women as much as anybody else, but that post doesn't seem that bad.