How many of you fags are subscribed to compound media

13  2018-05-24 by redditisforfagslul

Be honest, I can’t believe people from this sub actually pay for that shit considering how hard we trash it. Im patiently waiting for CM to run out of money so we can see Anthony have a complete mental breakdown but that can’t happen when you fags are still subscribed. Rich Vos is my favourite comedian.


If anyone here is then in my opinion they should go jump in a lake.

But they should cancel their subscription first because.

from what Ive heard their credit card would still get charged

Never have, never will.

Not me, not never,

There's only one person that I know who is subscribed and everyone else just watches his stream.

Looks like we know each other

Tss tss why dont ya send me a direct message w a link or sumfin? Direct link? What like steven speilburg sausge pattie tss tss also, i dunno.

Statistically there are tens if not hundreds of pedophiles who visit this sub and even they wont give their money to CP media.

We prefer to be called cumia-americans

I just like child spit

In cumia we trust

I did briefly, after a week i decided it wasn't worth the money, but i got to watch The Colin Quinn & Bobo one off show, and the show with BL hosting with Ron Bennington as her "guest". Those where great shows, in fact all the shows where they had guest hosts while Ant was in rehab where great, maybe Ant should just go back to rehab.

I agree. The Pat-Dixon-pisses-off-Bonnie-McFarlane-by-making-fun-of-her-retarded-sister Show was right up there too.

I came and went with the legion of skanks

I have kids so that means I give money to the pedophiles at Disney for mostly crap. I'm not giving money to the pedophiles at CM for complete crap.

There's ways around getting it for free u don't even need to pay......their shows sucks so much even if i get it for free i refuse to listen......That's really sad because i don't have really any shows to listen to anymore everything that i liked is gone.....

I did 2 months at the very beginning. Mainly wanted to hear Nana venting about his firing and Gregshells. But as soon as he settled into his trite routine of 70's movie references and dated impressions I cancelled. One of my better decisions!

It’s not even worth staying subscribed to laugh at their blunders because the boredom has vastly outweighed any potential funny weather it be from blunders or comedy

Learn how to spell "favorite" like a real man before you call other people fags.

I’m embarrassed to say I paid for two years. I paid for a year when it started and it auto-renewed for another year and I was to lazy to argue with Keith for a refund.

checked out the free ones a while back, just not good enough to waste time listening. same with Opies dumb podcast. All so lame compared to the olden days. For all the retarded broadcasting these losers are still trying to do , its best just get the play by play here, . Plus its way more entertaining filtered though all the hate. Who evers actually subscribed and reporting thank you for your service

But they should cancel their subscription first because.

Looks like we know each other

Tss tss why dont ya send me a direct message w a link or sumfin? Direct link? What like steven speilburg sausge pattie tss tss also, i dunno.