"The Fat Joke" - slam poetry.

6  2018-05-24 by BoboOrbani55


If I walked into 100 doctors offices with a gunshot wound to the shoulder, and 99 of them were concerned more about my weight vs the actual wound, I'd consider weight to be a pretty big problem.

Fat girl needs to pipe down, eat less and move more. Self-pitying cunt.

I found out a cute girl I went to high school with does slam poetry and it's on Youtube, and when I saw the videos I cringed so goddamn hard that my boner receded back into my pubis.

This is like that except worse because she's a big fat pig.

man bob kelly really knows how to command a room

What a beauteous lady!

shes rubenesque

I heard she had a 95 pound mole removed from her ass.

I see Amy Schumer is hiring the road again with her comedy “act”!

If you cover up her head with your hand, and just watch the mouth on her shirt, it totally syncs up and works.

But how does someone clearly believe in modern medicine enough to go to the doctor's office this much and yet so completely ignore how alarmed everyone is at her planetary fatness

ugh, can fat girl R. Budd Dwyer already

I don't even have to watch it to wish death upon her.

Jesus. I thought that was Artie Lange from the thumbnail

There's people applauding this women's delusion

We really are finished.

You aren’t hurting anyone? Then pick up part of my insurance premium. It’s high because of you, Ms. Boombaladdie

She is hurting my eyes.

Thats all in her head

Im a huge asshole and feel like calling fat people fat is like calling retarded people retarded

Doctors give me shit for smoking, I dont take it personal, I know what I’m doing is unhealthy

she has probably another 10 years left before the world is cured of her shitty poetry

How dare a doctor tell me about a major health issue I'm facing!

Is this the footage of Amy Schumer interrupting that faggot open micer’s set?

The hair band really ties her outfit together

Did she really complain about being prescribed exercise when asking for anti-depressants? Exercise is the best anti depressant on the planet you cunt mongoloid.

Ham poetry

Fat people really are worthless. I'm glad she's pointing it out in her art.