Well, get busy livin', or get busy dyin'.

7  2018-05-24 by Kim_Jung_pUn


Is he still banging his granddaughter?

Not anymore. She was murdered.


durrrr liberals are eating their own right guys

Hollywood seems to enjoy tearing down black dudes who aren’t shucking and jiving

Denzel is next probably

I have to admit, this headline made me laugh out loud. Good job OP!

The world got itself in big damn hurry...

With the 1 earring in the right ear thing he does I always assumed he was gay

gay for them titties

8 women? Damn, I only thought it was Se7en

Imagine Morgan Freeman narrating your assault

As my erect penis slid through the torn denim, Sadie knew she was in for a long night of tender loving.

I wish I could tell you that she fought the good fight, and I let her be. I wish I could tell you that - but Hollywood is no fairy-tale world. She never said who did it, but they all knew.

"Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for’ … I agree with the second part. Now let's see what's going on under that sun dress"

He behaves that way because the majority of the time it worked and chicks immediately did a spread eagle for him. He made enough money to fill several lifetimes, received an unimaginable amount of pussy along the way, and doesn't feel sorry about a thing.

doesn't feel sorry about a thing.

And nor should he, he's Morgan Freeman goddamit! Those no name whores should feel privileged he hit on them. Maybe if they'd got down and sucked on his weirdly freckled dick they'd have an interesting story to tell their grandkids.

The likelihood is that these women were employed by a company and therefore white, so encouraging that kind of intermingling is not something I condone

gay for them titties