Does anyone have that clip where a caller called Jim a "smug lesbian"

46  2018-05-24 by FlashVirus

I remember it was a Redditor that called up and Jim HOWLED for about 5 minutes. They were mocking one of his old pictures that pop up on Google Images. Can't find it on youtube but wondering if anyone still has it.


That was my call!

46 minutes in.

Still got the shirts?

Nah. By the end of the season they were pretty worm out. They were super cheap. I got them done at a mall kiosk.

Did the Seattle Worms dominate or what?

We finished with a positive record.

Hooooly shit I'm talking to a celebrity. Thanks so much for the clip too

Np brah

calm down you fucking nerd. good god

love the show?!

I did at the time. It was 2016.

The link you posted clearly says June 14, 2017. Stupid.

It's a re upload, Columbo. The show is originally from 2016.

No it isn't.

fawking buried him

Traitor, we've always been at war with Eastasia


Big fan of the show ay, faggot?

Not so much anymore.

thank you for your service

Can you post your softball team photo?

Well now I just want to call Jim Joe Nochin

Jim Nosuchinsky

That is the most annoying face I've ever seen.

He really looks like he's dying to take a load

Np brah

calm down you fucking nerd. good god