Whenever Sam becomes the focus of negative attention on this sub, a network of pro-sam shills work overtime to shift the focus back on Anthony.

16  2018-05-24 by Boxatorium

Is this sub really going to let Sam and his network of shills set the tone of this sub?

Sam deserves our focus for a while.


Cool theory Opie shill.

Sam's mom would try this tactic in order to create confusion.

Go fuck yourself, Sam's mom.

She shoulda sewed her cunt shut 30 something years ago.

Sow you stupid fuck

Shitting on Anthony is more fun because he's an old dummy that feeds into it.

Sam knows enough to never mention this place or come here


By shills I mean Sam's mom and her 200 fake accounts.

Samm is on the Soros payroll, I have the documents.


Pro Sam shills are trying to distract from the conversation, don't let them.

He was on The Hairclub for Men payroll

i see this shit as well. nobody else seems to care, i cant take them all at once. you can tell, all their input is cardboard.

Shut up faggot. Crying shill is the first instinct of a dumbfuck. The second is crying “bot”.

How many fake accounts do you have Bobbie?

We're on to you.

Sam is/was one of us. He grew up with board culture as a teen and was a fan of O&A.

He's fairly normal compared to Antony and is a master shit-stirrer.

BTW did he egg on Brennan yesterday?

Fuck off faggot.

Im sure he got fired from WWE for fucking up on Mania so why keep paying attention to a nobody hack whose only contribution to this world was Eternal Sunshine?


Thermite Jordans.

Jews control the weather

Sam's mom would try this tactic in order to create confusion.

Go fuck yourself, Sam's mom.