He's Just A Bitter, Wet-Brained Fucking Dullard

21  2018-05-23 by EncinoEscobar


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 23, 2018 23:47:22 UTC (1 Retweets | 14 Favorites)

Exactly. Estimated people who fought in WWII: 1.9 billion.

To make women a big part of a WWII game is pure PC pandering, inaccurate & just stupid. https://twitter.com/proplax/status/999433125188038656

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Imagine being such a boring person that video game characters piss your off

You just don't understand, civilian. He's in the vanguard of defense for western civilization.

Why does he care? What's wrong with our Nana?



Video games got Ant into guns and politics when he was in his mid 40s.

Wait wait wait

Video games aren’t actually textbooks we should look at for historical accuracy

Well fuck me sideways

No. But i like WW2 to... ya know... look like WW2

Why dont we put in dragons and spaceships? Its not a textbook right?

its faggot shit for sure, im personally annoyed they made lando a faggot

but who cares, its pixels and children shit

lets focus on real problems a but more

Thats why im yelling about it online and carrying on in real life

why not get incensed about the fact your chattel?

just saying, save your indignation for real shit, not the historical accuracy of a children’s game

Star Wars is just as much children's shit as video games and you know it. Both creative decisions are just as infuriating to fans.

i agree, if you read what I said you would know I said that

star wars is childish bullshit, much like sports and video games. all stupid distraction from real shit

a world war means a world war. both 1 and 2.

you had fighting everywhere from africa to the middle east to asia. the british used professional and conscripted soldiers from their colonies everywhere to contribute to the war effort.

just because the deceptive, nefarious jews always make it about the holocaust, doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge the contributions of all diverse men in defeating the evils of fascism and national socialism.

The developers have expressed that they were making a game historically authentic and faithful to WW2, while simultaneously preaching about diversity and other cultural marxist garbage.

You can't really have both.

Swedes gotta Swede..

who gives a fuck

you gamer faggot

Yeah, you're probably right. We got a crater face to bother.

Ever since Modern Warfare, you automatically heal bullet damage after you get shot by waiting long enough

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko (née Belova; 12 July 1916 – 10 October 1974) was a Soviet sniper in the Red Army during World War II, credited with 309 kills. She is regarded as one of the top military snipers of all time and the most successful female sniper in history.

Roza Shanina

Roza Georgiyevna Shanina (Russian: Ро́за Гео́ргиевна Ша́нина, IPA: [ˈrozə ɡʲɪˈorɡʲɪɪvnəˈʂanʲɪnə]; 3 April 1924 – 28 January 1945) was a Soviet sniper during World War II who was credited with fifty-nine confirmed kills, including twelve soldiers during the Battle of Vilnius. Shanina volunteered for the military after the death of her brother in 1941 and chose to be a marksman on the front line. Praised for her shooting accuracy, Shanina was capable of precisely hitting enemy personnel and making doublets (two target hits by two rounds fired in quick succession).

In 1944, a Canadian newspaper described Shanina as "the unseen terror of East Prussia".

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I'm sure those kill numbers are accurate and not at all embellished.

Night Witches

"Night Witches" (German: Nachthexen; Russian: Ночные ведьмы, Nochnye Vedmy) was a World War II German nickname for the women military aviators of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment, known later as the 46th "Taman" Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment, of the Soviet Air Forces. Though women were initially barred from combat, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin issued an order on October 8, 1941 to deploy three women's air force units, including the 588th regiment. The regiment, formed by Major Marina Raskova and led by Major Yevdokia Bershanskaya, was made up primarily of women volunteers in their late teens and early twenties.

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Commie faggots sacrificing young women

Russians gave no shits. Women and young teens went into war when troops were shredded by superior tactics and firepower from The Axis side.

Russia managed to win with sheer manpower alone despite having shit equipment compared to the Germans.

Women are always used as a last ditch troop historically.

Ie. for all the sperging from rainbow-colored feminists about Shield Maidens, the truth was that they were rarely used as anything other than a militia to protect the village from bandits/rivaling tribes when the men were away raiding or trading.

What a boring fucking queer.

The whisk hand post was pretty funny

Yeah, that was decent. Ant just seems to have lost all humour when making his point. It's his own version of clapter

He’s basically just become a cernovich type. No desire to be funny at all, just pandering to disenfranchised alt right Pepe boys.

When you know what his stance on every issue will be before he says it, why listen? He doesn't make politics funny or interesting.

He lost his way... somewhere. I want him to go back...back... to how he used to be.

I want him to go back, back, back, back to when he was shitting in spackle buckets on the jobsite and sleeping in vans.

I've probably commented this a dozen times but; Obama broke him.

Aunt tranthony with the hot take.

Why are we still obsessing over World War 2? Why are we still getting this force fed to us? I'd rather play almost anything but a fucking WWII or GWOT game. When's the last time there was a big budget shooter about the Korean War?

The "normies" didn't like Infinite Warfare(Which was fucking fantastic tbh), and they had milked the Modern warfare setting, so they went back to the roots.

They'll flip in 5 years back to robots and jetpacks.

Poor, poor Anthony, being cruelly forced to play a video game featuring yucky girl characters. My how that man suffers on our behalf, he's practically a martyr now, bravely critiquing the scourge of political correctness so YOU don't have to. He's kind of like Jesus, only in a drunken rage tweet cretinous sort of way.

Wasn't the population back then like 2 billion. What the fuck is he talking about ?

He googled how many people fought in WW2 and copied the top response.

This isn't a documentary moron. It's a videogame.

Anthony clearly googled that 1.9 billion number (it's the first result). If he put any thought into it, he'd realize that the world's entire population was 2-2.5 billion people, and that children/the elderly didn't fight and large swaths of Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Americas didn't fight at all. Regurgitating wet-brained fool.

My favorite mission in the new Call of Duty is when you sit around the barracks for a month, because it's so historically accurate it kept all the boring bullshit in there

Act II: Latrine Duty

He's been ranting about Battlefield for hours now. The game is anti-white, anti-male propaganda apparently...

He's 60 years old..

I bet he'd be just fine if some of those women had dicks

Where does he get the energy at 87 to be this angry about everything?

He's an unfunny, more wrinkled Pat Cooper

Battlefield 4, followed by Battlefield 1, to be followed by Battlefield V?

The fuck is going on? Just re-master Bad Company 2 already.

Get a life, Anthony. Holy shit.

This man is about to be 58 years old.

It's sad what happened to all 3 of them. 10 years ago they were still putting on an entertaining show. Now Anthony went off the lunatic fringe, Jim is just middle of the road, and Opie wouldn't know entertainment now if it smacked him upside his head.

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think women or minorities should be featured in entertainment products. We play games to get away from them not to empathize or understand em.

The entire game could be black people(Allies and Axis) for all I care, but what bothers me is that robot arm and that fucking katana.

why do you care OP? he's right about this topic

Honestly, we are watching his decline into Dementia/Wet Brain/whatever that crap Lady Di has.

Much like when Uncle Junior got knocked in the head and fell down those courthouse steps, it is ramping up, and going to be a doozy.

why not get incensed about the fact your chattel?

just saying, save your indignation for real shit, not the historical accuracy of a children’s game

Act II: Latrine Duty