Read any good books lately, faggots?

10  2018-05-23 by BoboOrbani55

ME: I've been digging into Tolstoy lately. I love how detailed and specific his writing is. His characters feel like real people, even background characters. And the more specific his characters seem, the more relateable they seem.

So I've been rereading Anna Karenina for that reason, but I've never read Dostoyevsky and wanna get into it. What should I read from Dosty?


See Spot Run was a nuanced examination of the positivism of canine psyche in the face of existential ennui.

Plus he is furry and cute

None of what you said is true.

That’s why it’s called FICTION, idiot.

Notes from Underground

Figures that'd be the first book recommended. Travis Bickle-looking-ass.

Dead Wake by Erik Larson

Re-reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy for about the 5th time.

If I had to pick one book from him to read would that be the one?

that Tolstoy is a real problem with the good books man

It's tough man, on the one hand Napoleon did want to invade Russia but did they really have to motherfuck him by burning Moscow like that?

Listen, I'm not gonna just go out and call them total scumbags for doing what they did with the whole burning of the city, but I think maybe they felt they had their reasons and Napoleon had his, and you know both sides have to share some of the blame. It's a tough one man.

I hear Tunisian writer Antwan Kumiya is coming out with a book detailing his life in the alleyways of Tunis.

Absolom, Absalom! By Faulkner

My dad is going through a Faulkner phase so my brothers and I are humoring him. I fucking hated it. Faulkner is a long winded ass.


That book is overrated but Faulkner was a genius. ‘A Rose for Emily’ is one of the greatest and most twisted short stories (necrophilia, public shaming), and his other major novels, Light in August and The Sound and the Fury are great.

I'm more into Smirnoff and his poignant juxtapositions of American and Russian life.

Sir that’s not a notable Russian novelist.

Maybe not, but but you can't deny what Yakov and his theatre for the performing arts have done for our culture.

And our cuisine.

For the “Favorite Books” section of my Myspace bio, I put “Who Reads?”

I was 12

Opie would unironically think that is cool. He's 54.

House by Bentley Little.

An old man named Norton eats the ass of an 11 year old girl in it.

I wanted to hear about fiction, turkey!

Bentley Little has a new collection of short stories coming out this summer. He's mostly a formula horror writer and the formula has worn kind of thin. However, I've read everything he's written for the past 15 years and I'm not about to stop. A fun afternoon read.

Child of God by Cormac McCarthy

I read The Big Sleep and it was pretty good. I got Ulysses lined up like I have for the past year.

ME: I go deep wit da Joyce. “River run past even atoms! Period! From fakwin’ Swerve of shore to bend of bay!”

Portnoy's Complaint.

Pretty good story about a Danny-type fella (if you catch my drift).

Loud and clear, fellow.

Crime and Punishment is a good place to start with Dostoevsky. Currently reading The unbearable lightness of being by Kundera, it's fantastic