If you have absolutely nothing to say and are too inept and stupid to start your own network or even a short term podcast on your own,

9  2018-05-23 by StuntPeckah

a bankrupt company with a former producer may eventually offer you table scraps as long as you swear never to come in the building or include a video element.



Why is DiPaolo spending weeks and thousands of dollars to outfit his basement as a podcast studio? Jesus Fucking christ, buy a mixing board, 3-4 microphones, and whatever ISDN stuff you need for callers, it would all cost less than $5,000 including bandwith/website. What is with these fucking guys?

There can be significant state and local tax benefits in NYS to filing your home as a place of business. A lot of freelancers took advantage of this for years, but recently the state has been auditing for this and demanding proof, so that’s one possibility. More likely, these guys are dumb and competitive with one another, so they throw money around.

Old people don't how to Facebook, and they don't get podcasting. Anthony, Brother Joe, DiPaolo fucking augment their own house. Opie "signs" with Westwood one for a free show anyway. All the dumb fuck had to do was make a Patreon, like Bret Easton Ellis just did and charge a buck a show, even that would bring in a few thousand bucks.

Bill Burr broadcasts from his goddamn kitchen and the dude brings in 6 figures a year from it, his overhead and investment is probably next to nothing. That's the beauty of podcasting, these guys just dont get it.

Totally—all the focus on production takes away from the quality of the content too. Ari Shaffir has done some quality podcasts from a Yankees game or walking around the city; the audio’s not always perfect but who cares?

I like it that way. That's what I love about podcasts and what makes them so punk rock. Plug in, talk, post that shit.

The “equipment” is also so cheap and good these days. I bought a little Zoom recorder for an interview project recently for a few hundred bucks and the sound is great. I think these old guys with some cash get taken advantage of by their “techie” friends and get led to believe it’s way more complicated than it should be.

Exactly. You have guys like Jimmy asking "how to get podcast equipment into the city." A Zoom H6 and 3 microphones, it could fit in a fucking lunch box. All these guys came up in "big radio" and completely miss the beauty of having solid quality sound with very little and considerably inexpensive equipment.

Kevin Pollak Chat Show would live stream FREE on Youtube, he bought 3 basic camera rigs, some wireless mics, and a Tricaster along with a Zoom that recorded to dump to audio only, whole kit was probably $10k or less and that's if you're really serious/want a multi-media platform type of thing.

There can be significant state and local tax benefits in NYS to filing your home as a place of business. A lot of freelancers took advantage of this for years, but recently the state has been auditing for this and demanding proof, so that’s one possibility. More likely, these guys are dumb and competitive with one another, so they throw money around.