“Anthony Cumia.... we coming for you, nigga.”

54  2018-05-23 by RBuddCumia


Can’t be ?

I thought he was in the hospital.

He’s half the size of Bob Kelly.

How the fuck is he out and about? Was his sentencing postponed so he could eat a bunch of cocaine-laced cheeseburgers and play dress up? What a travesty of justice.

You would think the judge would get wind of this and say "What the fuck?".

Featuring his omnipresent shitty old jacket in the bottom left there.

Ever since he left Compound Media I've been rooting for him to beat the rap.

I hope he's Opie permanent co-host.

He’s still alive?

Obviously not. Didn’t you just see that picture?

I'm surprised to say it, but Artie looks in waaaaay skinnier and hethier than I thought.

why can't these comedians age gracefully? they all try to act like a teenager on social media. just be old and grumpy like carlin.

I have those gym shorts, they are pretty great. They have these zipper pockets so you can fill them with plenty of heroin and they won't ever fall out.

Why is he cosplaying as Gordon Pipp?

He has become Belushi finally, Jim not John, and he has sprinkled in some Mike Bocchetti. Congrats!