Cop Makes Sorority Girl Eat Pavement

9  2018-05-23 by crookedmile


As the late great Patrice O’Neal said, she learned options.

You're a faggot. Completely over the top on the cops part. Can't believe I'm sticking up for this bitch, but this bloke deserves to lose his job and be charged with some kind of assault offence.

Oh please, he tripped her, she fell down. He didn't smash her face on the sidewalk. If she didn't put her hands on that cop, and then ignore his multiple warnings, she would have walked free.

just scumbags, thats what happen when you hire skinny little douchebags and women to be cops, they have low confidence in their ability to physically restraint people so they overcompensate.

He should've shot her.

Or... they do their job. You sound like a 16 year old

thats right, do their job, you can't slam people to the ground and risk them breaking their skull just because they run their mouth. She has those skinny little arms, it would be so easy just to put her arm behind her back and cuff her, or even taze the fuck out of her.

she deserved it.

all women deserve it.

sure if they get physical first

She wasnt just running her mouth. She kept shoving him and even if shes small, she can still knock him off balance and onto his ass with drunk antagonistic boyfriend nearby. He stated she was under arrest and she decided to keep being physical. For his protection he ended her resistance in the safest possible way for her.

That is terribly sexist of you to imply women aren't capable of taking care of themselves and are somehow weaker than men.

They want equality, here's a taste.

If he tazed her, she could have fallen and hit her head. A tazer would be absolute overkill in this scenario. A quick whoopsie-daisy, and the retard is set straight.

Or she could act like a respectful lady instead of a combatant cunt

Look I want to kill cops as much as the next national socialist freedom fighter, but this chick deserved it.

Looks like Dani got another rib cracked.

Haha i like her

Did you think I was fucking joking when I said I would pay you to suck on a banana, you nigger? PM me, lover.

Goodnight, roastie

incel faggot

still less gay than incels lol


That was beautiful.

Sloppy take down.

I see nothing wrong with this. I'd do this to a broad for not having dinner ready when I got home

Cops just look for every opportunity to use force. They love getting away with shit that would get anyone else in trouble.

Right? I was gonna say I'd never talk to a cop that way but still seemed like a bit much on his part. I learned a few st patties ago that it doesn't take much to get cuffed but i shut up and listened and it was over quickly. Got a bs disturbing the peace ticket but fuck it. I was wasted and they were on edge apparently from a shooting earlier in the day.

I was wasted and they were on edge apparently from a shooting earlier in the day.

If you're a coward, don't be a cop. Being on edge does not in any way justify excessive force.

Sure. I was just speculating on them being on edge. I think they were out of line for cuffing me but i wasn't gonna win that one. Shit for all i know i was the wrong guy but i was being a drunk asshole that day, banging on resteraunt windows and dumb shit. Still seemed over the top.

“Ma’am do you need paramedics” line had me howling.

Parents, must be proud.

The cop overreacted here... and he sounds like a nerd.