This man makes me angry.

53  2018-05-23 by aRTie02150


Him, Joe Rogan and Seth Rogan should go suck on a pipe together.

In the buckshot variety.

I'm thinking more of the Chuck and Buck variety myself.

Nice reference, stupid.

He’s the last surviving deep cover agent left from President Nixon’s “Make Weed Look Lame” squad.

What about Kevin Smith?

What about Joe Rogan?

If you have to be high to understand a comedian...

The comedian is not Benson, because he is not funny.

That was funnier than anything this faggot ever said. I remember when I was a kid and weed was cool for me the first couple times I smoked I watched that show of his where they smoke weed and I was apalled how fucking boring and pointless it was. He had no talent he just smokes weed like the innefectual effeminate asexusl faggot that he is. Seems like a nice enough guy though maybe


hey, how'd you like a show on comedy central?

HIGH Court? Did you mean HIGH Court?

He really has that Eli Manning look of retardation.

We get it you smoke weed

I never did any time of drugs, don't bother me of anyone that does. But fuck, do White dweebs make it fucking embarrassing.

No shit. If stoner culture wasn't full of fuck heads like this, it would have been legal years ago. I'm in favor of banning it just to spite fucktards like this.

This guy is edgy and really flaunting it to ‘the man’ openly smoking an illegal substance like that!

And he's 58 years old.

Stupid Fat Hobbit

Isn't he like 60 now?

He's almost 60 and plays this character. That's actually really impressive.

I fought this fucker half an hour ago in God of War.

Fun fact.. I guess.

I dated a girl whose sister used to date Doug at one point. You figure anyone dumb enough to date Doug is an imbecile, right? She was. She did years in prison for drunk driving and running over and killing a rugby player.

Rugby is gay as fuck.

....on the field?

It was the damnest thing, she came flying over the aluminum bleachers and then right onto the pitch, hit 4 people and a french bulldog.

Anyone else a habitual pot smoker that hates Doug Benson and 4/20 culture with every fiber of their being? Show of hands? ✋✋

He's not exactly helping your cause is he?

i smoke weed and i fucking hate people that smoke weed.

Oral fixation

This idiot's eyes are too close together. He looks like a halfwit.

He's a hack..

On top of that.. Jimmy should be correcting the stoned fuck... if he has any respect for him,. that is

I hear that he enjoys the marijuana

I believe kids like Benson call it “the Mary Jane” or “doobies.” Just FYI.

i'm actually pretty convinced he's never done a drug in his life.

Faggot doesn't even inhale.

Down syndrome faced stoner.

Marijuana lol 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

Is that a dickbone pipe?

But he comes across as such a natural genuine “weed guy”

The down-syndrome like appearance gives it away.

When I was 17ish a guy at the grocery store I worked at who thought smoking cigarettes was super cool - challenged me to a smoking contest. I said something to the affect of “you’re a faggot”. Doug Benson reminds me of this grocery store guy, but for weed.


Even Strong Weedman Joe Rogan cut down on the weed jokes dramatically after it became legal in California.

See, it's because he gets high.

With marijuana.

Nice finger webbing, stupid.

In the buckshot variety.