Happy 55th birthday to our favorite radio and podcasting expert, Gregg Opie Hughes!

0  2018-05-23 by PretentiousJackass


Lynsi went out and got him a beautiful cake to go with divorce papers

wtf like omg guuuuurl. I was all like is he serious?! LOL YAAAS queen


How much was cumia getting paid to spontaneously laugh in that pic

Nice bangs stupid

Dont you mean birfday?

happy birthday to the destroyer, the greatest radio broadcaster of all time. will be listening to every podcast from the beginning today in his honor! i'm laid up in bed recovering from gastric sleeve surgery so having opie back has been a lifesaver. congrats on 1 million downloads!

Wishing you a speedy recovery ❤

Thanks bams seed, a few days ago I was eating a family sized bag of chicken nugs in one sitting. Now I can only drink a cup of chicken broth out of my dropping hammers mug for the next couple weeks!

This is a perfect opportunity for you to get the podcast up to 4000 reviews! Don't forget to throw a 3 or only 4 star in now and then or no one will believe it.

I hate this picture so much.

At least someone remembered