
9  2018-05-23 by HitWithTheWOWeffect


Glib Moron is a scuuumbag

John Horton is a baby boy

I hate him so much now

I can't believe how much I hate him now also. Didn't see that coming

He's trying to be Rickles but he comes across more like sex offender

I once saw Meredith Vieira at an ATM inside 30 rock. She had so much make up on that she could’ve looked like Nosferatu underneath and I’d be none the wiser. Nice lady though.

I want to see both of these people get raped

Look at those dead arms with muscle falling off the bone and atrophied fingers. I bet an Ozzy fan would like to fuck a corpse like her to spite god.

Fucking Asian. Hope Jimmy gets sars

I used to think of Jimmy as someone who was obsessed with celebrities because he actually knew who they were. It's worse than that. Because I now know that Jimmy spends his free time hiding in his apartment like a roundworm in a dog's ass and exposes himself to no culture whatsoever, It's entirely possible and indeed likely that he has no idea who that woman is, but he's experiencing delirious ecstasy to sit next to her and chat with her just because she's someone famous.

Can you imagine anything gayer, more feminine, more phony, than valuing someone just because they're a notable person, even when you have no idea who they are?

Didn't that happen on air once? Or at least someone was describing a time when a celebrity was nearby and Norton dismissively ignored them because he didn't know who they were? And once he became aware that they were famous he immediately started groveling and trying to interact with them for a photo? Pathetic.

look at that face jesus

He looks like a predator