She still fits in the suit

44  2018-05-23 by ImpossibleRegular


Kimberly is not holding up great. I'd definitely pinch that nip.

How fucking pathetic. But I'd make her wear it while she blew me, for a goof.

I'd like to see how well your wife looks in a power ranger suit Oh right.. no wife.. you fucking anonymous posting zero how pathetic are you?

Lol what?

wtf. lol

New here, eh?

You told him!

Back to obscurity with him! 😆

Back of the line, retard.

fucking buried that cocksucka. play us out Erock

Oh, what is this shit?!?

I think this is the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've ever read on here.

My flaccid shame is morphing into an erection.

Holding up better than the yellow ranger. Probably a better driver, too.

Also no way in hell could you, in 2018, make the yellow ranger Asian and the black ranger a black dude.

Wasn’t the red ranger also Native American?

They didn't in the movie. Blue and black were swapped

yellow ranger died in a car crash in 2001


I'm sure they had an asian black ranger too, right? I wonder how deliberate the colour choice thing was though.

I think he elaborated because idiots like me just thought it was an "asian woman" can't drive joke.

Wow, really?!

Thuy Trang was the best actor out of the Power Rangers. Loved her in The Crow. She had a crazy life. Tragic death.

For an Asian woman, it's more like a predictable death.

I’m honestly bummed now that milf-aged pink power ranger will never be my gf

I'd really like to bulk her skull if ya know what I mean.

Seriously though fellas, let's try not to be crass. This is somebody's mother for crying out loud.

Not Anthony's mother though, that bitch dead.

This woman is also white

Pardon my language here but I'd love to give her quite an excessive rogering.


She was my first crush as a kid. Sad to see she's resorted to this but she looks great.

she looks great for 50

Thought this was a joke at first but looked her up and she's legitimately 47. Wow.

So not 50 then

dont get cunty

She’s had steady work on Canadian tv, I think this was promo shit for the reboot last year since she had a cameo in it.

Wouldn't you have been like 3 when this show was on?

I don't get it, is she just busking on the street these days for cash?

She was so cute back in the day.

I'd still lick her shitter.

She looks like Jennifer Garner's aunt.

Woof. She looked way better in Flashpoint like 10 years ago.

time tends to have that effect on whooahs

Being 44 and recently divorced, I'd say she looks amazing compared to most of the broads out there my age.

Childhood... where'd ya go

Lot of memories of rubbing one out to pink ranger before i could even make cumsies

Nice A major chord, stupid.

You fucked up, the title was supposed to be "IT STILL FITS!"

hahaha the good ol days of OandA

And fake candle!

GOT to find my cornerrrrrr!

How much we gotta pay dis bitch for pictures of her with her shoes off?

I came home from school one Wednesday and Tommy the green ranger spun her around in slow motion and kissed her.

So fuck you Kimberly, you whore. You shit on a child's heart that day.

If she's not playing that annoying fucking theme song, she's wasting her space on that subway platform.