Didn’t he live with mommy until he was 30?

76  2018-05-23 by RBuddCumia


Is this supposed to be chip? I can't tell anymore. I'm serious.

he's going to have some existential crisis in the next year or so like Fez did a couple of years before he retired where he doesn't know where the character ends and his actual personality begins.

Maybe the 30 year old man should start a gofundme campaign to create really, really unfunny animated cartoons.

Maybe the 30 year old man should start a gofundme campaign to scam truckers into paying for his apartment remodel. FIFY

Or have a Very Unfortunate Mishap.

Yeah! $60K would treat him well for about a year in most any American metropolitan area.

These days, it's sadly normal for adults to have rich parents they live with for life and act like children, even borrowing their cars.

In Norton's day, that was unheard of. Some people were kicked out of the home at 16 or 17 depending on local laws and when the dad could get rid of you.

He also regularly got hookers during this time also. Imagine going out and paying a tranny to blow a loud inside you, and then coming home to sleep in your childhood bed.

Imagine meeting underaged FtM crossdressers at your grandma's house in the basement, then traveling to your parent's house to sleep in your childhood bed with an anus full of underaged boigirl cum.

fucking degenerate.

implying you didn't get a chub writing this

you have a way with words

The old Joel Rifkin plan.

Imagine going out and paying a tranny to blow a load inside you

did they have tranny prostitutes in the 80s?

They were more masculine in appearance and much older on average (30-50)

Done that. It is weird.

Thanks. Now I have to go do a work jerk.

You had to be a real weird fucker to stick with your childhood room as an adult.

Or Italian

can confirm. i don't want to own my own shit. i want to live on a tent on the beach.

Fawkin Drillbit Taylor over here.

I’m guessing Jim is extra corny and safe with his jokes on twitter is because he secretly hopes for celebrity retweets or something.

implying he cranks it up on his radio show?

ugh. Why do we still bother with these losers. All of them. Why the fuck haven't we moved on? Why give them any attention? It's so goddamn sad.

Because they are merely the canvas upon which we paint.

That’s what my mudda said said when I asked why she had paint on her bussoms, Lamar was helping her decorate

Jim was kicked out of his parents' house at 30 when his father refused to let him suck his cock.

Jim literally used to jerk off to the sound of his parents fucking.

Jim Norton has never publicly denied being molested by his parents.

I think he used to be so open about tranny fucking to distract us from the truth.

He spends Thanksgiving with Bob Kelly instead of his parents. There is something there.

He can't have a holiday dinner discussion without making AIDS and gay or tranny jokes so they banned him from coming.

Relative: Johnny passed his algebra test before the holiday break. He got a 92!

Jim: Good for him. I can't even get that number on my T-Cell test.

Mother: Jim, we're trying to eat!

Jim: Sorry.

Dad: You know, they asked me to coach the VFW softball team this spring.

Jim: It's gonna be real awkward sitting in the same dugout your son sucked cocks of bullies to get him to leave him alone because he was too much of a pussy to fight them.

Nice try with the hate baby boy.

He was 35 or so when Florentine had to talk him into moving out of mommy's.

And he saw Florentine's dick and it was bigger than his.

Stop projecting Jim, you fifty five year old child.

When did Jem Nidorn turn into such a fuckin normie?

when he realized Opie wasn't going to stick around to coddle him forever.

Not only is it hypocritical, but when Norton was doing it back in the 90's, it was a lot more unheard of. As the guy below me said. You would have to have had some norman bates shit going on

truth though, the judge wouldn't throw a 30yo jobless whore with no children out.


stones, houses, glass, etc

Remember when he had his house explored when they did a "Cribs" episode for his shit hole?

Norton’s tweets reek of a ‘civilian’

Twitter fucking stinks

I think he used to be so open about tranny fucking to distract us from the truth.

And he saw Florentine's dick and it was bigger than his.

Fawkin Drillbit Taylor over here.

He spends Thanksgiving with Bob Kelly instead of his parents. There is something there.