7  2018-05-22 by MoeGreenVegas


Here is a cached version of the Daily Mail content OP are linking to.

This cached version of the webpage doesn't register as a page view, and also doesn't give the Daily Mail advertising revenue.

There are 3 images in this article.

1 2 3

Why? The Daily Mail is known for holding controversial opinions within its articles which promotes hate. The outlet also is known for being highly biased and also publishing false and misleading articles.

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But who are they promoting hate against?

Real ass dude of the week.

Must be cool to be from Maine cause when you get arrested for trying to kill someone you get called a “Maine man” in the paper.

Was he royalty?

Obviously, this nutcase shouldn't be out in society, but how can one even be considered for murder charges when somebody else willingly killed themself?