Does the CEO of Compound Media know that the East Side Dave Show has been broadcasting without sound?

17  2018-05-22 by Ant_Sucks

Or is he already drunk?


Isn’t Bobo the acting CEO?

he COO

Same thing happened with NYCCR yesterday. Top notch organization, I tell ya.

yea i went to listen earlier and i thought it was me at first, i think it's happened before too

That network is a train wreck. I listen to a lot of old Ron and fez clips and it’s sad that Dave couldn’t get a better gig than a show on this failing network

The biggest tragedy of all is that ESD is 1000x more talented than Sam or Opie, but he's the one on CM.

So scary talented. Thats why every attempt he made at trying to break through into the mainstream failed miserably.

Rupert Pupkin is less patheic. Rupert didn't have children he couldnt afford to feed.

Why'd you copy his name then?

Because Hosp is an obsessed faggot. A gay Sean Connery if you will.

Im Death Metal Moe you ballwashing queer.

you have a bunch of gay nicknames

Oh really? That's why he's the cohost on the morning show of the number one rock radio station in NJ? Whatever Hosp, go back to wishing you even had a wife to cuck you.

He makes 30k without benefits at that job and its a seashore radio station that is one step up from CB radio

That's that new pet-time tech talent they just hired.

Imagine how much better it'll be when we get the studio in the city.

Guys we need a big studio in one of the most expensive cities in the world to do podcasts.

Have you heard the intro to tacs randomly play during the show? That's a tight ship. Heard it on at least 3 episodes

No I never make it that far.

If a podcast nobody gives a shit has volume does it make a sound.

You actually watch that shit?

Sound costs an extra $3.99/month. That second location isn’t paying for itself.

"Sound is DLC, goy."

EA should hire Ant and Keith to run their business strategy branch.

I forgot Dave had a show on there. that sucks. he used to be so funny

Dave's show is pretty funny, i wouldnt say watch every one but I've laughed the most at his shennanigans overall

yeah, he's still funny. I had a subscription for the first couple of months after his show debuted, and then I canceled, and then I went to the studio to see the show live on week.... and then I forgot he had a show till now

Dave needs an Opie to guide his craziness. Special Delivery is still great

he at least needs a Pepper

I'm sure the 13 year old ghetto drug dealers that Keith use to harass and shakedown could do a better job of running this "network."


he COO