6  2018-05-22 by RBuddCumia


not worth risking my cc, sorry tranpa time is up scaly face faggot

Too cool for the room Jim will play with his phone in between Goodfellas quips, while Nanth shoehorns in the latest Fox talking points in a flailing effort to produce lively spontaneous banter. Is that about it?

Did you hear the libs are trying to railroad our president?? Bunch of libtards.

Jimmy will have no clue who Dave is and for once I won't blame him .

I wonder if jim will talk about how tired he is

Why is he always so tired?

I’ve never understood that.

Low T

More like low T-cell

If this was 5 years ago I would care.

Ooooo! I won’t be watching

So he survived that soda he had the other day?

But will he be staring at the time on his phone and counting down the minutes until he can leave Nana's basement like the last time he was on?

Maybe if Ant didn't have such an awkward setup.....

A depressed permadrunk rapist and an emaciated, self-obsessed queen who long ago completely lost his mind.

Where do I sign up or sumthin

This is Tranpa hitting the big red panic button. By begging this favor from Jim, he thinks it will be enough to keep onboard the small number of subscribers that Artie brought in and distract from the recent price rise and Gas Digitals emasculation of Anthony.

Only this isn't 2008 and neither of them are funny anymore so it won't work no matter how much Tranpa calls it "hilarious" and "fun" at 5am tomorrow morning.

you thought this was real?

"Jimmy likes trannies!"

"Oh yeah well Anthony is a drunk/racist/pedophile!"

"HAHA HOLY SHIT!" awkward stare "That reminds me of that scene from the Sopranos"

Brought to you by deep discount


Thankfully inept former law enforcement aren’t skilled at securing paywalled RSS feeds so I might actually listen to this one for free later. Mainly to see how cunty Jim gets with Landau since I’m pretty sure this is the first time they’re meeting and Keith was raving about Dave’s chemistry with Ant when he called into J&S.

They all stink.