OpiePodcast is delusional

86  2018-05-22 by SpudsCuckley


Chris isn't wrong. Opie felt the burn.

It's like that clip where they go to Mardi Gras and while he and Ant are throwing beads off of a balcony the crowd starts loudly chanting "OPIE SUCKS! OPIE SUCKS!" And he just freezes for a second, he's been found out.

Please tell me this is real?

Buried that cocksucker. Damn, can’t believe I’ve never heard that.

god damn that is hilarious

Even after all these years this old show just keeps on giving haha I will cherish his shocked silence forever.

Opie must not visit here anymore.

Or check all his @ mentions on twitter.

Or read any of the REAL reviews on iTunes.

or exist in the real world beyond his safety bubble

ME: Buh Bye Hater!

On podcast addict it indicates Opie's podcast only has 250 subscribers. Putting up the numbers after a thirty year radio career.

Opie's podcast gets great reviews. 5 out of 5 stars.

rumor at SXM is that stern's closest co-workers gary dell'abate and robin quivers are indeed big fans of opie's podcast

Just yell out the window and you'll reach more people

Chris Harris needs to learn to keep quiet when The Psychos around.

Dont blame the genre. Podcasts aren't the issue. Live radio is dying. On demand, including podcasts, are the future. Opie is just actually shitty at it.

Guess the podcast passed him by

u can tell that accurate assessment got to him

Ow that's hot

Or check all his @ mentions on twitter.

Or read any of the REAL reviews on iTunes.