He’s so helpful.

284  2018-05-22 by RBuddCumia


Or pretend to trip and smash through the wall at an open mic you started at the creek and the cave

Did Luis do this?

No some fat pig did at an open mic, they had the guy on and made fun of him on LOS. The video is online somewhere

Any overachievers in the house care to link it?

Lotta problems on that show. Luis is alright. But eh, not my thing.

Jay might dress like a dad who just discovered nu-metal, but he can still be funny.
Dave Smith is anti humour and should retire and go live with his crimson chin wife.

LoS is a lot better if you never watch the video. It is definitely an audio only podcast for me.

true, I saw what Adam from Cum Town one time in a picture and I'd probably hate that show if I could see it.

I wonder how much of that's true for old O&A bits. Opie's interference would be 10x more obvious for one.

They don't even let Adam go on other shows to promote because he is so infuriating to look at.

Sounds like Nick has some good business leadership skills. I just found out about the show and listened to the first few episodes, so forgive my references.

The best advice I can give, is that you will get used to Stav's laugh. And it helps to remember that he is Vos-level stupid. And he doesn't even deny that.

Theyve managed to make the whole complete lack of professionalism an honest and legitimately endearing part of the show. Unlike Opie who desperately leans on it and forces the joke before it's even apparent/funny.

...Not that we all can't relate to a self-obsessed multi-millionaire with plastic surgery who was handed interesting guests/partners/gear for his whole career and now has to 'rebuild' from the ground up, using only his 20yrs of radio talent.

If you haven't already, check out /r/cumtown. Most of the premiums are posted in there. And I will say it's the only podcast I actually pay for. Money well spent.

That’s fair. You can see how I can picture a drunk, adderall-snorting Luis doing this though, right?

Doggie, fuck you! I didn’t crash into the wall! You crashed into the wall! I’ll punch you in your fucking face right now!

He's from my hometown in Ohio and he had to move back home a few years back when he failed out of NYC. Did every Mic with a cassette player and did the falling thing on multiple bar shows.


And if you're a young rich celebrity who thinks they can do stand up you'll soon be able to hire a big gal in leather to interrupt you on stage.

I remember like 10 years ago a fat friend of mine was doing his second or third set ever. His dickies pants were too tight on his thighs, so when he went to casually put his foot on the bottom rung of the stool, only the tip of his toes could make it. His fat leg sling shotted to the ground, and his dumb Jew fro shook back and fourth. That was probably the funniest thing I'd ever seen on a stage.

Yeah but unfortunate things happening to Jews is always funny.

Not funny but they do deserve it for offending God

He meant to say satisfying.

My mudda always said a Christ killer is not your friend Chippah

looshen up folksh

bring back the male mumu

They're called sweatpants sir and we fat fucks wear them with pride.

I miss Ralphie May

They laughin cuz they know

Pretty decent, I thought it's sposed to take 17 years for hilarious people to get good at stand up.

That's just for the unfunny people.

Comedy career transplant.

This would be funnier than 90% of the horseshit that goes on at open mics.

You couldn't possibly know unless you've attended or performed at them regularly. Which is it, throwawaymanthrows?

How did you know my real name?

the hero we dont deserve

If Colin ever stops these tweets the internet will be poorer for it. I love reading them in his voice.

Colin really knows The True "Craft" of Comedy

Colin Quinn beats off to kiddie porn. And that’s ok.

You should also spend most of your set nervously laughing and reminding the audience that you are not sure you should really be doing this. This will get pity applause to encourage you.




Did Luis do this?

No some fat pig did at an open mic, they had the guy on and made fun of him on LOS. The video is online somewhere


He meant to say satisfying.

My mudda always said a Christ killer is not your friend Chippah