This going great.

61  2018-05-22 by RBuddCumia


I don't want to see any of them or their pipes coming anywhere.

They are coming in cumias butt right

Sue laid pipe in Nana's pipe.

Its gooo comin out da pipe.. oh!

The talented guy with the bestselling book is moving his formed program brand we didnt link to cp in the contract to somewhere he will do much better and won't be associated with an abuser. But for the same pittance he gets now, he will be doing a "shit show" here instead.

And he needs 2 months to get that shit show started. I'm willing to bet the late night show never happens.

Can't type "with"? Does that cost extra?

I understand people younger than me using Twitter speak to communicate on internet but someone decades older than me doesn't.

probably a lot if it's tied-in to their app provider

"coming down the pipe". What a statement. All I can picture is Sue oozing into Anthony's asshole.

Pipe dreams.

Is the whole your welcome instead of you're welcome them being ironic?


Yes, but no one gets it, so it’s counter productive. He should just stop doing that. The 8 people who listen to him are constantly annoyed at having to explain it.

Luis and Ralph will be buying up the contents of Ant’s studio for pennies on the dollar when it all fizzles out in the next few years.

PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR! How’d the billboards work out, 🐜h?

The rate things are falling for him, I give it 2 years at most.

I don't subscribe, but more Kevin Brennan is cool

"We think you'll be happy with everyone shitting down the pipe on you, our paying audience, because you're idiots"

a wrap up show for what?

Hopefully ants broadcasting career

Who the fuck is Michale Malice

someone whose career is on the upswing and therefore wants to sever ties with CP media ASAP

Smart man

He's actually great.

Sure sign of a media empire: constantly rearrange podcasts with half hour margins

How fucking long have they been saying they had big announcements coming about some big new talent? At least 2-3 years now.

Just give it another 2-3 years for the NY studio to be set up. Things will really take off then...

The Opie rejoin is coming soon...their anguish at being forced back together will be delightful. Once Opie is out the door at Westwood One, and Nana sees her "network" spiraling down the drain, they will start an O&A podcast. It is the only thing any of them could do that I would listen to at this point, and even then just to laugh at them.

Exactly, it's going to happen. They're like ex lovers that can't live without each other.

I would shoot jizz

Isn't the saying "coming down the pike"?

thats what happens when youre typing "coming down the pike" while thinking "going down the tubes"

That’s what happens when you’re sub-110 IQ.

Anthony Nigger Cumia

141, sir.

He confused in the pipeline and down the pike. Not shocking at all.

Perhaps a Freudian slip of "up the pipe" if you know what I mean

About what you’d expect for a retarded ex-cop. Oh wait that’s redundant.

He meant "rectum"

just learned something, thank you sir

Hey, Anthony, nice lack of a high school education, faggot.

Kevin Brennan is slumming.

Kevin Brennan

Is he that midget? I'm so confused with this tiny, obscure "media empire."

No - he’s desperate. Plus pissed that Artie got the cohosting gig with Ant over him. I don’t know if i could listen to his incessant yelling or whining for anything more than 2 min anyways.

Another show stolen by Luis.

Well, he is Puerto Rican

I wish by "major changes" he meant making it free, or like $1 a month at most.

Wouldn't even lose money if they did.

Malice' show is the best thing on the network, btw. I don't know any of the other shows there, but I'm still sure that's true.

But don't fret.

Time for resub?

Oh my fuckin god they modeled their facebook name after "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon". Opie is starting to look like a self-aware tibetan monk compared to these fuckin bozos

Nobody even knows who Michael Malice is, yet even he's too big for Compound Media.

"you know that show you like? Subscribe to gas digital to continue listening... But please don't unsubscribe from compound media!"

A wrap up show? Okay, Stern.

Increasing existing shows behind a paywall without signing new Talent with their own fanbase will bring in zero new money. Sounds like another price increase and more excuses to afford that second studio.

Did the jew not learn anything from his tribe other than penny pinching? I dont think even Ari can save this failure.

Why do these gay shows have to have cutesie/gay names? Can't it be "Nana & Fat Wife"?

Who is Michael Malice?

This was written by a bumbling ex-cop




What the fuck is a Michael Malice, and why does he think he's so entertaining, he can create 8 hours of content a week?

Well it’s a wrap up show so that means he’ll be wrapping up the glorious content of that happened earlier that day.

So there’s gonna be a lot of mentions of crime statistics, race, jabs at other people, and unfunny guests.


Ant’s mom was happy with what was coming down her pipe (crack).

Why wouldn't he just write out with? He spelled out every other word but that one. Keith is a monumental buffoon

Why is it spelled “your”?

Malice is a Eurotrash cumdumpster, who even cares?

I understand people younger than me using Twitter speak to communicate on internet but someone decades older than me doesn't.

probably a lot if it's tied-in to their app provider

Well it’s a wrap up show so that means he’ll be wrapping up the glorious content of that happened earlier that day.

So there’s gonna be a lot of mentions of crime statistics, race, jabs at other people, and unfunny guests.