Compound Media loses yet another show

80  2018-05-21 by marty960


The linked tweet was tweeted by @gasdigital on May 21, 2018 18:37:01 UTC (8 Retweets | 25 Favorites)

We are very excited to start working with @michaelmalice ! "YOUR WELCOME" is LIVE every Tuesday at 1230pm ET starting May 29th! Give him a follow! #GaSDigital

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That's a tough one, man. Once they get that 2nd studio together, it'll really take off then.


They're running out of 3rd string defunct Red Eye rejects to fill space on that shitty network.

Now they are LOSING 3rd string Red Eye rejects.

CM, Anthony Cumia's Brand and Malice were so good together.

Anthony's Brand & Malice, a perfect match.

Like Nana's old lady knuckles & Dani Brand's rib cage.

The revolving door continues to spin. I don't sub to that shit, but as I understand Tranpa has the shittiest show on his own network.

In Hot Water would like a word with you.

I'm glad I don't even know what that is.

You're wrong sir. Have you dared to watch Safe Space?

Jesus, I almost feel bad for Ant.

Is that Joanna Nosuchinsky, or whatever her name is, still a co-host on that one Compound show? I bet she costs more than the green screen.

You mean the one that ruined Red Eye?

Nah she's a wannabe actress whose toxic in the art community bc she was a regular on a FoxNews show. She costs a Bill Shulz and a half probably

Your welcome??? Are they spelling it wrong to be funny, or are they just retarded?

That was edgeboy's idea. I was wondering why malice would go to the lurch network but then I remembered he is butt buddies with Dave Smith.

It is spelled correctly in the context he uses it- "I'm Mike Malice and let that be Your Welcome"

He did it intentionally as a troll to idiots who like to correct folks spelling on the internet.

So he's retarded.

you are not wrong

Lose Legion of Skanks, Gavin, Kevin Brennan, Artie and Michael Malice...charge even more money...BRILLIANT WAY TO RUN THE BIZ.

Wait Kevin left? Can't wait for that company to be run into the ground.

I thought he had, but he's still there. Wouldn't surprise me if he was next.

He's still there but is probably leaving soon for real this time thanks to the Patreon foothold he's starting to establish. His blind co-host was grumbling recently about KtC being stingy with providing any worthwhile compensation.

Keith just reported that Burning Bridges is expanding to 2x per week. I guess Kevin will be nestled within the Compound family for the foreseeable future.

What's stopping someone from that lucrative $100 a week payday though?

kevin leaving? nah... hes doing TWO shows a week now instead of one.

This’ll be a fine addition with yannis and Lisa Ann

Humorous. Michael is actually a pretty smart guy.

This adds nothing, retard

It adds context. CP didn't lose Malice, retard.

Shit got me.. my bad

Who the fuck is malice

Author of The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il, occasional Fox correspondent as well. I first heard of him on Rogan

That's hilarious. I had never heard of him until a couple of weeks ago when I came across his twitter feed. He seems pretty reasonable and intelligent. At the time I wondered why he was on Anthony's hunk of shit network.

I came across him on a different geopolitics podcast where he talked about North Korea, dude wrote a book on it. It was really good. It is really surprising a smart dude like that was on CP media.

I guess he didn't know any better or KtC fed him some bullshit.

if cumia just took down the pay wall and quit nigger ranting on twitter 24/7 he’d probably have enough ad money to actually keep shows.

He'd be elbow deep in dick cream ads by now.

As opposed to reality where he's elbows deep in actual dick cream

He was always misplaced on the network because Malice doesn't seem like a third rail scumbag

Also smart enough to write a book.

Turns out he's doing that show on gas but is actually doing a 4 night per week show on compound. Luis is just being Luis by fucking with people.

The fact Ant stays behind a paywall for live AND archived shows is baffling. He needs to have the realization that keeping all your content locked away is no way to survive. Charge a monthly fee for the live shows and give some perks, all the archives should be free to download after a week or two. A couple shows a month should be free for all and cross streamed on Youtube, etc. This isn't difficult to figure out.

Great. Now if only they loose the Cumia show.


The retards who are fighting in the comment section seem to be saying that he still does 4 shows a night on Compound.

Not still does. His existing CM show seems to be moving to Gas Digital- but he's getting a new 4 day a week nightly show on CM.

Malice moving to 4 nights a week on CM. Gas Digital is on top of that.

Nice try with the hate tho.

The Mexican Rattlesnake's network seems to be taking off. Anyone here have a guess as to how much he's pulling in?

Gotta be like $20 or $30

Perhaps more than that

Probably not tho

Puhaps less than that.


I actually like that show, Michael is a cool guy even if he is a bit of a dweeb

In these uncertain times the only thing left to do is to turn to your own blood for relief....

Starting June 1st :


Hosted by none other then Joe '' The preteen spittoon'' Cumia

Starting June 1st :


That would be epic. Followed by a once week, Nana & Joe show.

Tranny Anty is an old faggot

Watching compound media fail in real time is the most satisfying aspect of my life right now

We all need new hobbies.


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I say let da mon speak!

You mean the one that ruined Red Eye?

Nah she's a wannabe actress whose toxic in the art community bc she was a regular on a FoxNews show. She costs a Bill Shulz and a half probably

Starting June 1st :


That would be epic. Followed by a once week, Nana & Joe show.