
5  2018-05-21 by ricswrangler



Finally we can put a face to the name. Nice work, Lou.

Finally we can put a face to the name; good work, Lou.

I really enjoy your hatred for her.

It's really weird i have no idea y Bam hates me so much???

It's not just her.

Yeah it's her and Johnny they really hate me......i don't think everyone else hates me.....

Think again.

Add me to the list bitch.

Y don't u like me???? i didn't do anything to u so???

You existing is enough.

That's really funny.....

It has nothing to do with you using way to many periods and exclamation points or your incessant need to be liked.

I don't need to be liked i don't care about that....... but i just don't need to be hated so much it really gets annoying sometimes....

I hate you with a furious rage

Thanks I feel the same although I don’t know u....πŸ™ƒπŸ€”

I don’t care how you feel.

GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you've been asked numerous (that means many) times to post a pic and you haven't, so I think it's fair for us to assume you have some sort of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Why would i want anyone here to know what i look like???? This sub is horrible to people like i trust anyone on here to post anything....

Well if you were cute people would probably be nice to you. I know I would. πŸ’

Perfect amount of exclamation points.

I genuinely thought we left this style of communication behind in the 2000's. In 2018, even normies on Facebook and r/pics (but I repeat myself) manage to communicate with eachother in clear, decent English, with correct capitalization and punctuation.

I'm irritated that people like you still exist. I don't know if you just think you're being cool with your idiotic throwback language? You impress only those who are as dumb as you are. Don't you want to get ahead in life? Do you write this way on job applications?

I remember when adding a 1 to the end of a bunch of !s was considered fun and quirky and not at all fucking retarded.

I miss those days.

Some people DID leave this style of talking behind but NOT SCORCH!!!!!!!11!!

That's like Carl "The Chip" Cuban

Is that Aya Stark?

David Cross actually.

Well I think I write fine.....I miss the early 2000’s good times.....πŸ™‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£

Damn how old are you?

Y do u feel the need to follow me around every time i post a comment is ur life that sad and pathetic??????????????????????????"

That's really funny.....