Jim had a diet coke last night and the caffeine "fucked him up"

225  2018-05-21 by Dennyislife

This man is a sissy


He got a buzz from the carbonation

"we were all a buzz"


probably up his ass as enema

We need to organise an intervention ASAP.

This is no laughing matter. Every single day, 'certain men' suffer from these types of maladies and many are so fragule as to immediately die if, for example, the wallpaper in their convalescent ward is the wrong color.

It Works If You Work It


Can we have a few people call up J&S under false pretenses just to turn it into an intervention?

What if I don't want to listen, let alone call in?

Shit in your hat and pull it over your ears?

Yes, that does sound more fun than listening to Jim and Sam

What about organose or sumptin? I dunno, jus riffin'

Its actually code for a tranny of african decent

I heard he wont handle cash because he is afraid of relapsing on the residual cocaine.

This actually would t surprise.

it's just not worth the fuckin risk man

delivered dramatically like he's a tame werewolf longing for the full moon

I agree with.


deep inhale "that's a really tough one, man. Get paid or get exposed to cocaine residue. I think I like online tokens best."

Where we at with the Bitcoin?

I'm starting to think he's trolling.

He knows his audience is mostly youngish men and is acting like a vagina on purpose. Maybe he thinks that would get people to listen?

It's the only explanation. No one can be this girly.

His newest character: Faggot Jim




He knows his audience is X and is acting like X on purpose. Maybe he thinks that would get people to listen?

Jim's entire life

Between that, and his complete lack of experience in martial arts, he seems like the ideal man to host an MMA podcast.

You misspelled marital.

Soy colon

Thankfully they took out the aspartame or else who knows what could have happened!

Doesn't this idiot drink coffee in the morning?

He drank the Diet Coke at night (around 4pm).

Fuck I didn’t realize it was that serious.

Grandma, NO!

One more excuse to hide yet another edging all nighter

Imagine if baby boy had a family with kids waking up in the middle of the night and needing attention.

What a fucking unaware zilch

No worries there....The type of men he likes cant have babies.

are you implying Jim cannot get a man pregnant (no shit), or perhaps trying to be clever and saying thay they are shooting blanks

he's saying he fucks trannies with cocks you dumb fuck. no offense


this dude should have been able to figure it out, but that is a very poorly worded joke. It should have been , no worries there... the type of "women" he likes cant have babies.

Well theyre actually not women at all.

The man’s more selfish and self-absorbed than any child I’ve ever come across. He’d kill himself to take the attention from his own child.

It's staggering he doesn't get called out on his utter faggot bullshit. Especially his fake alcoholism and addict routine.

I'll tell you who would never call Jim out on his faggot bullshit: Mr. Chicken Tendies and Corn is my only vegetable.


or maybe it's the Afrin addiction he can't admit he has, the one drug he actually takes he won't admit he abuses.

Afrin addiction? What is he addicted to watching reports on the war in Syria?

No clue, but I do know that as far as bloodsport watching Syria war content R&U Videos is a great place to start on JewTube. Just saidsin'

This is the guy who uses baby boy to insult people trying to call him out in his bullshit. Way to be an adult human stupid.

This defines the man... he constantly accuses others of what he does all the time.

Shithead hypocrite cunt fake fag.

I'll second that. Honestly never liked him. I think he just looked good next to opie

Fawkin zooted off the caffeine.

Did he get "the spins"?

That is not a man, friend. That is the common worm, a lowly, wretched creature.

Remember when he said he ate some almonds before bed and the salt kept him up all night? This man needs to be medicated.

He also said he doesn't eat salt because sugar is in it. Or the other way around.


Table salt does have a miniscule amount of sugar in it

By dr. Kavorkian

Haha yeah. Then he'd be fucking dead.

See, he fawkin passed it to you for the lay up brah

ME: with the assist brothaman

It's a gateway drug.

I drink two monster energys a day and diet coke in the evening and sleep 8-hours every night

He's a hypochondriac attention seeker who can't stop talking about his made up illnesses.

I can get a solid 8 coming off 160mg of adderall. The man is an enormous faggot.

Watch out Evil Kenevil

It's Evel Knievel.

Oh no, this is the one who tours with Chip and the sick fawkin puppies. He's fawkin Evil as Fawk

Fawk yeah.

I used to be hooked on Diet Mountain Dew. The gas station by my old apartment had the best ratio of syrup and water. I had to move and start over in a different county. I'm not about that life anymore.

I'm in recovery from red bull. I used to have 2 a day before 8am as it was two for £2 but then the price went up. Dark times. But 8 years clean now.

I heard you limey ass Dunkirk failures can purchase codeine infused "hang over cures" right off the shelf without prescription?

Yep. Because we are not lightweights like you Americans.


At least we can go to the store without having to say we’re going to “pop in”

So can we...

At least we can go to the store without getting knifed by a darkie

Our schools are safer than the military.


Dunkirk was a success. How about you actually enter a war at the start rather than wait till a bunch of nips bum rape you on the beach.

I drink 2 a day. Love me some Diet mt dew. I used to be hooked to the Blue Monster energy drinks.

One day at a time, brother.

Jimmy is a little bitch, I can have some drinks & do some coke & still be sharp as fuck for a morning meeting with the bigwigs.

"How many grams of sugar are in these pickles?"

Caffeine can actually help you in the gym. I'd say it's probably more the Diet Coke.

I don't understand people that get "jacked up" from diet Coke. I feel like there's little to no caffeine in most soda, is your lil eco system that delicate?

Hey, 13 milligrams of caffeine is nothing to take lightly, sir.

Scorch has 600 mg's in his coffee.

Maybe it hits him quicker because he's putting it in his ass?

This is the same person who ate a bowl of strawberries during the evening and blamed the natural sugar in them for keeping him up all night.

I'll never forget the time he talked about having peanut M&M's at a party and he made it sound like he relapsed into smoking crack out of a hooker's asshole.

It's candy you fucking goon.

He avoids anything and everything alcohol related so he doesn't 'relapse' back to those dark weeks when he had a few beers and got a little tipsy like pretty much every teenager in America. He also shies away from things drug related just in case that causes him to decide he needs a beer or something harder like a Zima.

Although he'll gladly take prescription meds that are probably more prone to cause a 'relapse' than a piece of rum cake.

But he also he likes to lick the assholes of prostitutes and trannies and have them shit on his chest and has probably swallowed a few hundred loads of tranny cum as well because hey, a beer could send him on a bender and cause him harm but fecal matter and jizz from sex workers are 100% safe and okay.

The enigma and lunacy that is Jim Norton.

His real pharmaceutical 'addiction' was (is?) dick pills.

He has stated several times that he pops them like tic tacs... and is forever getting an erection during the show.

There was one show where they were discussing Jim's sleeping and breathing problems, a listener calls in and calls Jimmy out on the dick pills, stating that one of the side effects can be nasal congestion. Jim immediately acknowledges the side effect, but states he hasn't taken any in months.. classic 'addict' denial.

He's an attention whore.. and a hypocrite.

Creepy how he would openly squeeze his junk on-air, effectively masturbating in front of the staff. Of course they laugh, 'oh you!', and give him the attention he desperately seeks, while withholding the correction he desperately needs.

Fuckin creep.

And even with all that, he is a crushing bore.

Ironically the Afrin he takes to clear up the nasal congestion has the side-effect of causing erectile dysfunction. The definition of a vicious drug circle. He's a moronic buffoon.

The fact that you know what happened to him last night makes u a bigger phaggot then he is. For fuck sake, stop watching his horse shit.

Its faggot and listening sir

Phaggot is the over powered version of faggot.

The worst explanation I’ve ever heard to a question no one asked. Congrats, phaggot.

When some1 corrects u, you are supposed to tell them why u are correct, cunt.

I recommended he drink a few cups of tea every day but he said he fears the buzz

Why do you call him a man, has he declared a gender yet?

amoeba isn't gender


I'm surprised he hasn't reproduced asexually by now. Maybe Chip is his son?

99% of "entertainers" are completely out of touch pussies. Jim is nothing special in that regard.

This single aspect of Norden’s “character” is the one thing that might push him past the other two for all-time unbelievably clueless faggotry. It packs more cringe into it than most of Opie’s garbage. Just heard him on an O&A with Bill Burr, they touched on the concept of heroin addiction being a disease vs weakness, and in the ready-to-move-on lull there’s lil’ Yim - “we’re all laughing about something that’s a massive issue for one of us”.

If he carries the “I have X Y’s clean” buttons around I’m gonna start considering a contract job

i can pretty much guarantee he carries his sober chip around



His form of AIDS must not react well to splenda

I recently quit regularly drinking coffee. I've completely reset my caffeine tolerance. When I do have a few sips of coffee, I get a serious caffeine buzz. Makes me jittery and sweaty. I used to drink 6 cups a day, and now I can hardly finish one.

Just don't drink any caffeine during the weekend. It'll reset your tolerance every Monday.

He takes prostitute peckah's up the ass but you call him a sissy for this.

I don't understand why everyone is attacking him. Is it because you don't have the strength to live with sobriety and you're all just jealous? I for one admire Jim and his struggle with sobriety. It's a real problem, not something with an easy fix. When I was fourteen I drank half a Vodka miniature and let me tell you, I was fucked up. I ended up booking tickets to see Rich Vos at Yonkers Comedy Club, June 2nd.

Does no one remember the time Jim came in having not slept due to eating pretzels too late and claiming the salt kept him up?

Not sure when it was but I know it was a Nopie since I hear it repeat occasionally on my playlist I have going at work.

He got high on non-kosher salt. The devil was in him!

Caffeine in a diet coke will delay a 5 year old’s nighty night time by about 15 minutes. A fucking old man in his 50s should not feel even a hint of the effect.

However, a 6 pack of light beer sent him into rehab followed by a lifelong commitment to recovery in a 12 step program.

Baby boy is special.

The irony is he thinks he is beating that addiction meanwhile his true addiction, edging for hours, owns his life. As he preaches self control.

I drank a bottle of whiskey all by myself on Saturday and I still managed to get up at Cumiatime (1PM) and drive my grandma to church.

Now imagine if Jim did the same thing. He's be in jail for serial-raping himself on trannycocks down at the meatpacking district and missing his genitals.

Jim eating ONE of these after his dinner with a "lady"friend.

I drink 4 cups of coffee a day and drink 4-6 diet cokes.

Am I fawkin zooted?

jimmy is an old weak queen who slurps cum and mustard in a straw out of a black mans hands

His newest character: Faggot Jim

He knows his audience is X and is acting like X on purpose. Maybe he thinks that would get people to listen?

Jim's entire life

I'm in recovery from red bull. I used to have 2 a day before 8am as it was two for £2 but then the price went up. Dark times. But 8 years clean now.

"we were all a buzz"

I drink 2 a day. Love me some Diet mt dew. I used to be hooked to the Blue Monster energy drinks.


One day at a time, brother.