THEORY: I always thought ron and fez was boring but I realized they are a show by masons for masons thats why the callers shout out the names of their masonic lodges/Shrine clubs and go HOO-HA

0  2018-05-21 by ascended_millenial

the numbers relate to the naming of masonic lodges right?


Maha bone buddy.

maha bone!

HOO-HA was what Jefferey Tambor used to say on the Larry Sanders Show, which Ron was a big fan of. Free Masons are a bunch of old queers who like to dress up and act important, when they just dont have anything going on in their lives or desperately need an interesting personality trait. It's like a frat for old faggots who don't meet the requirements to get into Mensa, so they settle with the Free Masons.

Hey now! I miss that show.

It was Hey Now, wasn't it? its been too long, great show. Free Masons are still a bunch of fags though

Yes, hoo ahh was from "scent of a woman"

well the reason I thought that was because QUOTE FROM ROJ INITIATION RITUAL

Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha! My name is Mister LAUGHTER. He haw, he haw, he haw, It’s you (pointing) and you I’m after. Ho ho, ho ho, ho ho! From morn till night I grin, Ha ho, ha ho, ha ho! Though I never, never sin, He haw, ho ho, ha ha! I’m Mister LAUGHTER, Mister LAUGHTER, Mister LAUGHTER, Ha!

LAUGHTER: Here sat the Court of Intellect, here ruled the sapient sovereign of the mind. Ha, ha, ha, ha, he ho, he haw!


also ron insinuates it is masonic when callers ask about it.

That doesnt explain why they go BLAH BLAH 1234 before the guys go hoo-ha

Have you run out of meds?

I thought the number they'd shout was just the current # of black youths in prison (greatly outnumbering whites, btw). Was a strange bit to me

I'm so tired of hearing about these faggot masons. you know you can just join them and see what they're all about?

I am too they are almost as big a problem as the kikes though

Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory

The Judeo-Masonic conspiracy is an antisemitic, antimasonic conspiracy theory involving an alleged secret coalition of Jews and Masons. These theories were popular on the far-right, particularly in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Russia, and Eastern Europe, with similar allegations still being published.

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THEORY: You're a delusional retard who sees the signs of masonic intrigue everywhere you look because it's more fun to live in a Dan Brown novel than address the reality that you're a paranoid moron.

What do you want in to so badly?


your flair is masonic

It's a reference to Opie, not a masonic dog whistle.

Secrets out

No disrespect, but your kindergarten variety conspiracy posts loosely related to O&A/R&F stink on ice.

