Throw up devil horns if you’ve never roofied a child🤘🏻

21  2018-05-20 by pashow84


Lets go down that road They get a landmark first call from BAC 28683 HOO-HAA and are offered a free pizza no less from 2 BOOTS PIZZA

Lets look at 2 boots pizza shall we?


Also the devils horns is how they molest children apparently that was unveiled with pizzagate. Please help me reveiw some of the dark bits of ron and fez I listened to 1 hour of the show I linked and look what I found already WHAT ARE THE DARKEST/JUICYEST CLIPS/SHOWS From RON AND FEZ??

What is with the pizza bits is there any more?

Are you Corey Feldman?

I was only jokin’

What's the deal with pizza and pedofiles? What do they have against calzones or breadsticks?

cheese pizza


That's retarded.

If you've ever ordered cheese pizza at any chain pizza place, your name is now on an illuminati watchlist for known pedophile.

dont ruin ron and fez for me dude

Sounds like someone is a little bitter about getting boofed by the illuminati.......

Take your meds, Hanzi.


Omg this is so good. IIRC I have never roofied a child, and if I did, it wasn’t my own child.

Is that Ron Bennington on the left?

That's the joke...

Well if you can't roofie your own kid, who can you roofie?

Are these actually Ron and Fez?

Are you Corey Feldman?

I was only jokin’

What's the deal with pizza and pedofiles? What do they have against calzones or breadsticks?

dont ruin ron and fez for me dude

Sounds like someone is a little bitter about getting boofed by the illuminati.......

Take your meds, Hanzi.