Tig Notaro compares Louis to a janitor but accidentally defends him. No Tig, people would say "I really like my clean building more than I care about public masturbation"

28  2018-05-20 by Ant_Sucks


She threw him out like her bad tits. Poor Louis.

If i drew my own blood so easily, think how quick i will draw yours

Lesbians are all insane cunts. This all boils down to penis envy. Tig would tug on her tiny little dick in front of women all day if she could.

Unfortunately she probably has a busted up cunt and has to wear a strap on to "be the man" in her relationship. Imagine that. Imagine having to wear a big purple plastic dick to pretend to be a man and not get off with it and then seeing the other fellas you strivd to be doing it with ease.

I buy it

Women suck at everything, even being gay. I've known plenty of gay guys that are cool and not a problem, I don't think I've ever met a lesbian that wasn't a completely miserable asshole.

It's because they're around women all the time

Nig Tostinos

It’s like this, Tig: you gotta make people laugh, you gotta make people money. Something you don’t do. Your career can’t all be charity. You can hide behind Anniston on that Netflix show, but Aniston won’t make you tolerable. It will have the opposite effect. It will make Anniston intolerable. No one wants to see you play Anniston’s husband. So it will fail. And then Hollywood will say enough with the sociopolitical agenda, let’s make money. Who makes us money by making people laugh? Call Louis. See if he’ll play Anniston’s husband.

Stop saying Anniston

I’d actually like to see Anniston a few more times.


5 fucking times

Any immigrant can get the skids out of the toilet bowl, not everyone can fill out Madison Square Garden.

Scream into the void all you want, tear everyone else down, but you lost your badges of femininity and they're never coming back.

Also, why not Mig Notarro? Welding 'yuma.

Such a jealous cunt

Good question. Who's going to support a man who asked women if he could jerk off in front of them even though they could have left, called the cops or just said "no"?

One did say no. Louis did the unforgivable thing of apologizing and walking away embarrassed.

Louis an Aziz's "crimes" were the tamest shit ever, Louis wasn't even famous at the time.

It's almost like they're trying to get eyes on the relatively tame actions of an outsider in order to shift attention away from the rampant systematic abuse still occurring.

You sound like you might be a public masturbator. Pretty certain buildings would, in fact, not choose to keep a janitor who masturbates in public, regardless of how well he cleans the bathroom.

Louis masturbated in private, though; in front of a consenting audience (some of whom later withdrew consent, presumably via some sort of time travel mechanism)

Oh yeah ok.

This bitch needs a brain tumor

It would be the first thing she did that made me laugh...

You didn't hear what she did to her tits?

Is there anyone with ears she hasn't told yet?

She isn't funny, and her entire career is based around the sympathy generated from her being a cancer survivor.

She really, shouldn't even be called a comedian.

Pretty sure she made up the cancer thing as an excuse to get rid of her tits and look like the trans man she pretends she isnt

I'm not down with stupid conspiracy theories. But lets just say that I think its pathetic that her entire career is based off of sympathy generated from an illness, and nothing she's ever done or accomplished.

This humorless husk has never even tried to be funny.

Dont forget being bank rolled by Nick Kroll amd his super wealthy parents

This bitch doesn’t have cancer

She used louie the same way he used her. Louis knew the rumors about him were out there, so he had to do whatever it takes to dispel them as long as possible. So he found the one shittiest woman stand up comic out there with the most “tragic” background story possible and constantly promoted her, didn’t matter if she was funny or not. Cause surely someone whose such a champion of women couldn’t be guilty of these masturbatory rumors correct? Look at how much hes helping this cancer ridden lesbian !

She in turn knew what he was doing cause all of a sudden he started showing interest in helping her career out of nowhere and she knew the masturbating rumors were out there. And she let him do it cause she had no career at the time. Once she got more famous cause of his help, the rumors got too mainstream, she started pretending the rumors were brand new to her.

She knows Louis’ masturbation was consensual. So how is “who would want to support someone who masturbates in front of someone?” any different than “who would want to see a woman who licks the vagina of another woman?” Or “who would want to see a man who puts another man’s dick in his mouth”? How can a gay person judge someone negatively based solely on his sexuality?

Louis CK has a non-traditional sexual preference. He is queer. What is a queer person suppose to do? Either live in shame & repression or ask a partner for consent like Louis did. Tig thinks he should repress his sexuality. She is queerphobic

I hate how one type of sexual deviant committed to shoving it in all our faves is trying to take down another sexual deviant who at least has the decency to attempt it in private.

I don't know how deep CKs depravity went... but if all he did was ask these chicks if he could mash one out in front of them, I can see it in me to pardon him for a few belly laughs.

That's a tough one, man...

Did any of them just say 'uh look Louie.. thanks.. but no thanks, I'm not interested' Or did they just feel like they had to sit there and watch the fat fuck crank one off in order to not be ostracized by the comedy business.

I'd like to think that I can side with the chubby ginger.. he really is a talented entertainer.

One lady said no right off the bat. Louie apologised and left her alone. She still added her name to the ny times article about his harassment

Louis made that ungrateful titless junk and this is how she thanks him

He deserves it, in a way

Just so we're clear, the worst accusation against Louis was that he was jerking off on a phone call, correct? All the live action jerking was done after explicitly asking for permission?

Yeah, afaik it was all 10+ years ago too

Women knew the deal. You can't judge by todays "morals".

Right. He had no show, he wasn't a producer. He was just a successful stand up comedian and writer. An independent contractor, he held no "power" over these girls. The Aziz story is the dumbest thing I've ever heard but this isn't so far behind it. Unless I'm missing something major I just don't get it. Unless we're missing a huge part of the story (which I don't believe considering these women and reporters are so thirsty to be victims and stand up and shout "ME TOO") then all I can say is that Jim Norton really is a fucking worm

No joke, when I saw footage of her shirtless in her special, I almost threw up.

I'm happy her tits got the boot.

The cancer will return

She used him in the same way he used her. Louis knew the rumors about him were out there, so he had to do whatever it takes to dispel them as long as possible. So he found the one shittiest woman stand up comic out there with the most “tragic” background story possible and constantly promoted her, didn’t matter if she was funny or not. Cause surely someone whose such a champion of women couldn’t be guilty of these masturbatory rumors correct? Look at how much hes helping this cancer ridden lesbian !

She in turn knew what he was doing cause all of a sudden he started showing interest in helping her career out of nowhere and she knew the masturbating rumors were out there. And she let him do it cause she had no career at the time. Once she got more famous cause of his help, the rumors got too mainstream, she started pretending the rumors were brand new to her.

If CK was the janitor of standup what does that make this bitch?

A bowling alley rapist, same as in real life

Hey Tig!

Here's the deal, you fucking bitter cunt: Exiled men NEED to go back to work. Louis did well but he doesn't have "fuck you" money, AND he has two daughters and a useless ex-wife to support IN NYC. Do you?

Comedy is his only job skill, and he's been involved in it for 30+ years; Where the fuck is he supposed to go now? PLUS, there are people who actually depend on him professionally, to come back hard with new projects (Pig Newton, M. Blair Breard, Pamela Adlon, Vernon Chatman, etc). What about them? Especially since these people have hung their hat on Louie's career and projects: What are they supposed to do?

You, on the other hand, got your lucky break from the man you're now condemning, you BEGGED your wife to fuck and marry you, you're pushing your son in homosexuality to fulfill your ego (instead of letting him discover that organically LIKE EVERY OTHER GAY PERSON IN THE WORLD), and you're bolstering your career by dancing on the ashes of someone who gave you break after break, so you don't have to engage with the fact that you life is turning into a fallacy of your own fractured sense of morality, coupled with complete bitterness.

Louie fucked up. YOU are just fucked.

Shup the fuck up you cum slut and take this DIIIIIIIICKKK

His name would certainly make an interesting anagram.

Who gives a fuck what "Titless" Tig Notalent thinks anyway?

Can't stand Tit Nohaveo

I'd cut off her tits,but she already did.

sucks that there are so many women haters here. Notaro is FTM and doesn't even consider herself a woman btw. That aside, Opie and Anthony people are so right about Notaro. She's the lowest of the low http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html

Louis an Aziz's "crimes" were the tamest shit ever, Louis wasn't even famous at the time.

It's almost like they're trying to get eyes on the relatively tame actions of an outsider in order to shift attention away from the rampant systematic abuse still occurring.