Starring Shitrod Small & Kurt Metzger (hack, but someone has to do it)

5  2018-05-20 by stinkypussay


How anyone could ever listen to this shit is beyond me. Horrible peoples they both be.

Kurt used to be funny, just listen to him on O&A with Ian Halperin and Jim Jeffries. Also his stand up album isn't bad at all.

Great point... kind of. Jefferies and the O&A threesome used to be funnier than Kurt ever was. Past Tense! Now they all be Faggots!

kurt was a butthurt bitch on that episode with ian

Kurt got wrapped up in that rape shit and hasn't stopped yelling about SJW's and doing blow ever since. He's like Ant but instead of race he's obsessed with rape and instead of being an alcoholic he's a cocaine addict and also probably an alcoholic as well as those drugs compliment one another quite nicely.