A 50 year old man, ladies and gentlemen.

77  2018-05-19 by RBuddCumia


says the man that is dead on the inside

Well you’re not wrong, brotherman. But that’s why I’m here.

i don’t understand what he’s trying to convey. is this supposed to be cute or funny? is it supposed to be just a random silly thought or do have to be really into ozzy to get it? i’m lost here

It’s phoniness

Mission accomplished then.

He's gay remember?

Other things that bring Jim Norton joy:

*paying hookers to piss in his mouth *hounding celebrities for photos he actually doesn't care about *male sexual partners that dress like women

I'd say his perception of joy is a bit different that the rest of us.

I’ve never pictured the first one until now while eating breakfast and it’s really bothersome

Any man over 40 that still worships childhood idols is not a man.

Any man over 30

Gotta go lower than that.


-69 lol

Not even good enough to be a mediocre musician.

He was the worst musician in Black Sabbath by a mile. He couldn't play an instrument and didn't even write the lyrics when he was in the band, that was almost always Butler, Iommi or Butler and Iommi together. This is like being a raging fanboy for Lars Ulrich.

Except Lars composes the structures of the songs with James and was the only business savvy one to hustle?? He did/does way more than waterhead Ozzy.

Ozzy is more of a hyped up symbol who always surrounded himself with good musicians. I still like some of that retards music though <3

It’s like idolizing Eddie from Iron Maiden.

Also he initially couldn't sing and just sings along with the guitar line on the early albums.

he likes turtlenecks and loves the uncut elephant trunks of the British rock musicians.

Why do “comics” feel the need to be over the top with everything? Overwhelming joy. Fuck off

cmon turn that frown upside down

Find a nigger and pull the trigger!

Jim looks dead on the outside

Norton should have gave him turtlenecks for his birthday. Maybe Ozzy wouldn't have left them behind like the 50lbs of stupid books.

I have children, you butt-fucking queerr.

Nice heavy-handed use of a cliche, stupid.

Jim only liked Ozzy as a kid to appear edgy. Fag

Fat, funny Norton would kick his own future ass for saying “simply”.

I hate his millennial hyperbole.

He wore a turtleneck in concert with Sabbath once. Yeah, that's awesome.

It was windy and fawkin cold.

Sabbath are ok. I don't understand the obsession. There isn't enough content there. The live performances are the same as the albums. Zappa, on the other hand, has a wealth of content that you can listen to and analyze for years.

Eh sabbath were genuinely brilliant. The debut is fantastic for its time. Its just sad that the guy seems to enjoyed 2 or 3 bands when he was young and has never, ever looked to really like anyone else. Its so childish


As lame as Jimmy’s Ozzy obsession is, his love of KISS is 10x worse.

generals gather in their MASSEEEEEEEEES

I am scared of that song, it is about WITCHCRAFT and DEVIL WORSHIP!!!


If that's the case, my insides are a rotted corpse that's down to just bones, hairs and nails.

At least he’s referencing the last decade Ozzy mattered.

Its okay to feel this things but to type them out and put it out publicly for everyone to see, come on Jimmy, get your shit together, no wonder Princess Alena dumped you.