Anthony said JFK was a bitch for trying to take down the mafia on the AA show. Get this greasball off of infowars.

23  2018-05-19 by ascended_millenial

Remember on the AA show when Dave (washed up party boy) landau said Kramer still had all of his degrees? Kramer has 1 colligent degree and apparently he has many masonic degrees

Oh yeah and JFK never vowed to take down the mafia he vowed to stop SECRET SOCIETIES AND SECRET PROCEDINGS WHICH WE INHERENTLY AS A PEOPLE ARE OPPOSED TO.

Anthony cumia appears to be a freemason terrorist supporter. THATS THE REAL CONSPIRACY PERIPHERAL CRYPTOKIKERY AROUND THE O&A UNIVERSE


anthony is a high school drop out, i wouldn't take much of what he says to heart. he is also a pedophile (allegedly) and has delusions of being an italian mobster (all blacks do). my point is dont listen of watch compound media or you're supporting NAMBLA

His brother is NOT a pedophile.

i dont take anything ant says seriously because he is seen as a genius by intellectuals including a guy named opie and jim norton

If you had to fuck marry kill with opie Anthony and Jim who and why?

But JFK was a liberal so he sucked.

Why? InfoWars is perfect place for Ant, he’s just as warped as Alex Jones is. Psychiatrist have been studying conspiracy theorists & discovered two key elements within their personality profile: "The research looks at two elements that have been cited as playing a role in conspiracy beliefs: unstable self-esteem (the uncomfortable state of feeling unsure about one's abilities, attitudes, or value to society), and a strong sense of belongingness (which leads to intense identification with some social group). The study finds that these two factors are indeed strong predictors of such a mindset—when they interact in a specific way."

Ant yearns to be a fictional mafioso like on TV. His brother yearns to be a fictional biker like on TV. They need a few more brothers so they can have a make-believe meth cook and a fictional 1960s ad man in the family too.

Opie could fill both those larps.

Anthony is in a secret society of low rent jeffrey epstein types.