KTC really is a piece of shit

21  2018-05-19 by USA_America_USA

Did some work for him twice as a favor. Communicates back and forth until I send him the final product and he just ceases communication until months later when he needs something else. I do the work for him, send it in and never hear a peep from him. Didn't say thank you either time. I don't mind helping people out when they're grateful, but this dude doesn't have a courteous bone in his body

KTC if you're reading this, find a new designer ya rude fuck. This is why nobody likes you


Network was always shit.

Nah, there was a golden age for it

No. It was garbage from the start.

Telling me you didn't like the early days of the gavin mcinness show or LOS?

They were both consistently funny. Everyone's desire to tear shit down here has prevented them from enjoying anything in the extended O&A universe. It's sad.

Even now, LOS is usually entertaining and High Society Radio is killing it on the regular.

What did you find entertaining, Gavin spreading his asshole or pulling out his dick?

por que no los dos

It certainly did. It lasted about two hours and was called "Greggshells."

Did he pay you?


Then why the fuck did you do it?

sometimes free work turns into paid work

No offense, but you're in a stupid line of work and you're a stupid person. No offense.

no offense, but you've posted in r/opieandanthony multiple times per day for over a year. You can make whatever joke comes next, but there's a serious mental problem afoot, no offense

You do realize you're one of those people, right? In fact you're worse because you used photoshop to help Ant.

I used it in my portfolio to get a foot in the door with paid design work for other podcast networks. For people who don't know what a shit show it's turned into, having done work for o&a looks good on a resume

One of the first lessons to learn in doing any kind of freelance work is to never work for free. I don't give a shit if you were working for Nike, Apple etc. "Exposure" doesn't pay bills, especially not the kind of pathetic exposure you'd get from a failed shock jock who was trying to prove that he could make it on his own.

If anything it's worse to work for nothing when you're working for a recognizable brand since you know they can afford to pay well but are choosing not to.

what makes you think compound media can afford to pay someone

I'm doing fine man dont worry about me

"Doing fine" but posts complaining about not being thanked for being duped into free work by a retard ex cop for a pedophile's failing network. That's gonna look great on your portfolio

Keep up the good work champ👍

There's actually week gaps here and there when I get really busy, but I won't argue the mental problem. However, you're starting to go down that Danny Ross road where someone says something funny and you get all gay about it.

Make whatever joke comes next, but I get paid well for any work I do outside of good friends and family's places and I'm certainly not doing favors for any child predators.

idk who danny ross is

Count yourself lucky on that one.

This is not the way to go about getting a signed picture

Nice edit. Do you think I'm envious of the fact that they know who you are because they took advantage of you just like one of those 14 year old girls in the home theater? I'd rather just keep mocking them anonymously to be honest. If anything it sounds like you're all pussy you never got invited to Compound poker night.

"Keith only called me when he wanted something, he never wanted to hang out on the weekends or have me over for dinner."

That's usually how business relationships work. Especially when it's a couple of degenerates using you for free.

Keep stomping my Abeshells.

No it doesn't, stupid.

I have to hire multiple designers and artists per month for my job. Do you know the only time I hire a nice good American artist? When they do it for free. Otherwise some Arab will do the job for $30.

If you're doing creative work, and you work for free hoping to get paid work, you're doing it wrong.

I don't know that you're doing creative work, but it sounds like it.

I think you made him hang himself.

I motion that we start referring to him only as "Keith the Butler".

butlers are useful


But he's MYYYY butler!

If you did the design for compound then I don't know what to tell you. If you are the photoshop guy then kill yourself.

if youre gonna talk shit, really drop something heavy here. say something about his wife, for example, something with some pop. we are a simple people here.

what makes you think compound media can afford to pay someone

I'm doing fine man dont worry about me